Regular readers of LOVESalem (and you both know who you are) recall that we installed a 4,338 w solar-electric generating system here at LOVESalem HQ that we turned on at nearly the absolute nadir of solar opportunity last December. However, since that day, roughly 28 weeks ago, we've generated over 1,500 kilowatt-hours of electricity. More important, if spring or summer ever comes, we still stand to have the best months left (June, July, August) before the days shorten up faster and faster in September. I'm hoping for another 2000 kWhs by October 1, and then maybe another 800 between then and the one-year anniversary of system startup on December 11.
We got our first "negative" power bill last month, with our output to the grid exceeding our home's draw for the month by 165 kWh. We'll keep banking that great excess through the summer, and draw it down over the winter. Cool.
If you want to have an expert come out and look at your home or cabin or business to see whether solar electric makes sense for you, you can contact Solarize Salem, a local community venture.
SHAMELESS COMMERCIALISM PARAGRAPH: Alternatively, if you're not into joining a co-op, you can call SunWize, a local solar installer who is the outfit who did the system here at LOVESalem HQ. If you have them come out and assess your house and you tell 'em we sent you, they'll give us $50. If you actually buy and install a system with them, they'll give us $500. And if we get any such referral cash, we'll put it to good use for good causes here in Salem. You can reach Matt Henderson at SunWize at 541-230-5001; tell 'em LOVESalem sent you.
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