Sunday, March 22, 2015

WORD: Low-carbon fuel standard is 'phony green symbolism' (Letters to the Editor)

I wish this were not absolutely correct in every respect but, alas, it is.

People who disdain anti-vaccination hysteria as anti-scientific but then turn around and support agrofuels are like the cop who uses a powerful flashlight as a club to smash heads of protestors, making it a weapon rather than a tool of enlightenment.

Low-carbon fuel standard is 'phony green symbolism' (Letters to the Editor) |
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"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Why Oregon should leave the death penalty in the Dark Ages where it belongs

If any other industry -- hospitals, transportation, aviation, medicine, food processing -- so regularly got their basic work task so seriously wrong with such lethal consequences, they would be stopped and the parties responsible for the problems held liable for gross recklessness at the least - and that doesn't even address the instances of intentional corruptions of proceedings with perjured testimony and failures to disclose exculpatory evidence.

The basic arrogance the law is shown not just in the hubris of prosecutors but the complete unwillingness of the key players who run the show to subject themselves to it. That prosecutors and capital trial judges have complete immunity for breakdowns and misconduct committed in prosecutions is a ringing testament to their actual views about whether the system is trustworthy and reliable:

They have absolute faith in the system, so long as they are not themselves subject to it.

‘It was fundamentally unfair.’ A prosecutor apologizes for his role in putting an innocent man on death row - The Washington Post