Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Fair World's "Pennies for Peace"

address lineOne Fair World
Asks for your help in the
"Pennies for Peace" Project
Dear Walker,
Just a quick note to let you know One Fair World is sponsoring a "Pennies for Peace" drive to raise money for education projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The effort is being organized by a girls 6th grade writing class at Parrish Middle School in Salem. The teacher behind it all is Sue Luft.
This class was inspired by their study of the young reader's edition of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. They have learned that pennies (or larger amounts) make a real difference, as follows:

1 penny = a pencil

2-3 pennies = an eraser

15 pennies = one notebook

$20 = one child's school supplies for one year

$50 = one treadle sewing machine and supplies

$100 = maternal healthcare supplies for one year

$300 = one advanced student's annual scholarship

$600 = one teacher's annual salary

$5000 = support for existing school for one year

$50,000 = one school building and support for up to

five years

Children in over 400 mountain villages in remote northern Pakistan and Afghanistan are on the waiting list, hoping to learn in a new school. The hope is to help build a bridge of peace, one penny at a time, offering alternatives to the cycle of terrorism and war.

If you would like to contribute to this project, please come in to One Fair World and add your pennies to the donation can, which is hand-decorated by the girls in the writing class. The drive will run through March 31.

Thank you for your consideration.

From all the volunteers at One Fair World, 474 Court Street NE (downtown Salem), 503-585-1636.

Check out Salem's best Neighborhood Association website

Thanks to Kristi and Matt Neznanski, Northeast Neighbors has one of Salem's best neighborhood association websites. Check it out.


Cavalry bugler backgroundImage by mharrsch via Flickr

"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." -- Voltaire
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A LOVESalem foreign correspondent sends: "I just bought me a rat . . . "

Landmine Clearing Efforts in Democratic Republ...Image by United Nations Photo via Flickr

Her message was headlined: "The most awesome charity thing ever."
I just bought me a rat . . .

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Another beauty - from Going Around in Circles is a Good Thing