A lot of people can take or leave Michael Moore, but this is a film everyone should see. Cover of Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael Moore's documentary
"Capitalism, A Love Story"
Saturday, May 22 - 7 p.m. (doors open 6:30)
Grand Theatre-191 High St. NE (corner of Court & High), Salem
Filmmaker Michael Moore takes on capitalism’s roots, the floundering U.S. economy, and 2008’s global financial meltdown and subsequent bank bailout in this rousing documentary. Combining stories about those who suffer most from Corporate America’s greed and insatiable thirst for profits and the people most responsible for myriad crises, Moore embarks on another shocking fact-finding rampage.
Discussion to follow: "Making Democracy and Capitalism work for us"
For more info: www.salemprogressivefilms.net 503-385-1876 or 971-240-6440