Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ...

Wake up!

Farm My Yard grows more popular in Portland |

Salem too! Some very nice people just planted a raised bed here at LOVESalem HQ yesterday!
With the Missus back in gradual school and me excessively scheduled, we're going to yard share all year long.

Mark your Calendar for May 1, a special SPFS Showing

The Salem-based creators of this terrific documentary will be on hand for a specialSalem Progressive Film Series showing of their film.  Plan to be there.

What a great group effort 


As you know The Healthcare Movie is taking to the road again with the 2014 Drive for Universal Healthcare (DUH)! (  Last fall we toured the East Coast. This time we are visiting the West Coast.  Thank you to all the activatists along the way who are planning movie screenings and rallies.  Our trip calendar is all filled in as you can see. In fact we are bursting at both ends. We are having several early events in San Diego on April 11th and we have been invited to Spokane on May 6th!  The graciousness we have felt is overwhleming and humbling as The Healthcare Movie proves again and again to be a very good mechanism to get people talking about healthcare and single payer.    




When we made the Healthcare Movie we had no idea it would lead us to become involved so deeply as advocates in the healthcare movement. Like so many of you we are not wealthy and our income is not great. Asking for money has not been easy for us. We have had to swallow our pride and reach into our commitment to promoting single payer health care. Let me tell you it beats sitting at home wondering and wishing we could do more.

Thank you to all who have so graciously given us donations and places to stay so we can participate in this work. Our Start Some Good Campagn has generated $835 in pledges so far. In order to keep any of that money we have to reach our tipping point goal of at least $1,975 in the next twelve days. Our full campaign is for $5,625 which would really cover all of our trip expenses. In addition to the Start Some Good pledges, we have received checks totalling almost $300 from people who want to help. We celebrate this support and very much appreciate the generosity of those who contribute to us. But you know that the real cause you are supporting is not for Laurie and Terry to go on a trip. It is for each and every person in the U.S. to be free of the worry of having to pay big medical bills when they are sick or injured. We will go on this trip regardless. You can make it a lot easier. Thank you for considering supporting the West Coast Tour.

Visit the IT'S OUR HEALTHCARE CAMPAIGN and view a video from our East Coast Tour in September, 2013.

Host a Screening

Order a DVD of The Healthcare Movie




NOW AVAILABLE IN SPANISH: The Healthcare Movie is now available with Spanish subtitles. Special price: $19.95
Also available with ENGLISH subtitles for the hard of hearing. Special price: $19.95 




 Sign the Petition!

While Obamacare regulates some injustices, it still puts insurance companies between
us and our healthcare.  We believe that no one should be allowed to profit from another person's suffering. 

THERE IS A SOLUTION to the health care crisis in America that costs all of us less, covers everyone, and has better health outcomes. Tax-supported health care means everyone contributes by paying taxes based on their level of income, and everyone receives medical care whenever they need it.

Let's bring an end to health care injustices, join the rest of the industrialized world,
and take care of our people. Sign the petition HERE . If you have already signed it,  please forward it to other people you know!



    Warning: Opting Out of Your Insurance Plan's Provider Network is Risky

"Many plans sold on the health insurance marketplaces offer a tradeoff: lower premiums in exchange for limited networks of providers. But consumers who opt for a narrow network plan with the idea that they'll go out of network when necessary may be taking a big financial risk."

Watch an expert teach a smug U.S. Senator about Canadian healthcare

CHECK THIS OUT: A Senate Hearing on single-payer healthcare, as it's practiced in Canada and several other countries



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© 2013 The Healthcare Movie

The Healthcare Movie, 8011 118th Ave NE, Kirkland, Washington 98033

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