"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."
Subject: Our Shot at Ending Student Debt is Now
Date: October 31, 2014 at 9:51:10 AM PDT
| The Department of Education is currently taking public comments on proposed rule changes to student debt forgiveness programs. Join us in demanding rules that are strong enough to make a real difference. Dear John, What's scarier than ghosts, ghouls, and the living dead? The student debt crisis sweeping across America. 40 million Americans are afflicted, total debt surpasses $2 trillion, and the blob is getting bigger every day. Tell the Department of Education to get serious about student debt relief. The Department of Education knows this is a crisis, so they're considering rule changes that could help millions of Americans struggling to pay back their loans. They're taking public comments NOW to inform their decision, but the deadline ends in just one week. We need to act now to make sure that the rule changes are bold enough to make a difference. As it stands, the two programs that allow for student debt forgiveness - the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) and the Pay As You Earn Program (PAYE) - are woefully insufficient to address the growing student debt crisis. PSLF only forgives loans after 10 years, and PAYE after 20-25 years. This is not enough. Both programs need to be dramatically expanded; as they are currently written, they're nothing but a band-aid on a fatal wound. We need the Department of Education to make radical changes to the way this country handles student debt - before it's too late. America always has money for war and bank bailouts. There must be money to save our students from a life of Walking Debt. Thanks for all you do to make America work for the other 98% of us. Sincerely, John Sellers, The Other 98% | | |  | | |