One of the most unappreciated things in Salem recently was the way a very small handful of folks worked very hard and for an absurdly long time to make a tiny step towards making Salem more resilient and better prepared for the hard times to come. Sure, a small flock of laying hens in a few yards doesn't seem like much, but what CITY is really accomplishing is building connections, community, and (most important) capacity. When the criminals on Wall St. finish their looting, a lot of people are going to be very, very insecure in their food; that's when having people around who know something about small-scale, urban poultry keeping is going to be a Godsend.
CITY Newsletter - May 31, 2012
2nd Annual Capital City
Chicken Coop Tour - July 21st
Don't miss the 2nd Annual Capital City Coop Tour
It's lots of fun - for just $8 per vehicle
Tickets will go on sale in mid-June at the local businesses listed on the flyer. They can also be purchased on the day of the event at Coop Tour Headquarters (1580 Roosevelt St NE in Salem) -- if not sold out by then.
Ten backyard coops in will be showcased, all within 10.3 miles, stretching from Northeast to South Salem. Eight of the coops were not featured last year so if you went in 2011 you will get to see new coops this year.
This is a self-guided tour, meaning you can visit some or all of the featured coops in any order you want, but we provide detailed driving directions along a suggested route. It's fun to start off at Coop Tour Headquarters (Stop #1 on the map) for fun kick-off activities, refreshments, and a chance to meet Author, Gretchen Anderson, then continue on the tour as suggested.
You can stay as long or little as you wish at each stop. There will be a variety of coop styles and different chicken breeds to see. This is a great way to get some ideas for what might work in your backyard if you don't have chickens yet and are considering it. If you already have chickens, it's a great way to meet other chicken people, share your knowledge, and become involved in community activities.
Owners will be present to answer all your questions and often let children feed the chickens through wire fencing. Feel free to wander and take pictures.
At just $8 per vehicle this is a fun and inexpensive family ev event and proceeds support our annual Habitat for Hens project (see article below).
A big THANK YOU to Shannon Ross and her daughter, Kendra, for making Salem's coop tour possible!
Free Chicken Class - July 22nd
The day after our Coop Tour, author Gretchen Anderson will teach a FREE class called Backyard Chickens: A Beginner's Guide to Hen Keeping.
The class will be held Sunday, July 22 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at a location in west Salem. Seating is limited, so you must sign up in advance by emailing me at Once you've signed up, a seat will be reserved for you and you will be provided with the address.
Another Successful Habitat for Hens
Every spring volunteers gather to do something amazing - construct a chicken coop for a family that wants to raise chickens but can't afford the start-up costs. We call this project Habitat for Hens and it's something we are very proud of.
Not only do we build the lucky family a lovely coop and run, but we also provide the chickens, a waterer, feeder, oyster shell, grit, straw, pine shavings, bag of feed and metal storage container, and we even pay for their permit!
We just completed our third Habitat for Hens build in northeast Salem (pictured above) and our efforts caught the attention of a writer for Chickens magazine. Look for our story in the Sept/Oct issue.
This important project would not be possible without the help of my husband and Will & Kathie Thompson. Will kindly serves as construction leader, helping to draw the plans, purchase and deliver the materials, and oversee the construction. Jon Hendersen, owner of Old Mill Feed & Garden, wasn't available to help build this year but generously donated all the chicken supplies and accessories. THANK YOU!
Beware - Lots of predator sightings!
Chicken-killing predators like raccoons and opposums have been spotted recently in Salem neighborhoods, even during the day, which is unusual. Be sure to keep garbage and pet food secured, make sure your coop is predator-proof, and don't leave free-ranging chickens unattended!
Assortment of Pullets still available!
Rhode Island Reds
(12-14 weeks old) are available from a local breeder. If interested, email Brett at:
Black Australorps
White Leghorns
Black SexLinks
Golden SexLinks
Buff Orpintons
A word from a local Maran breeder
Hello to all from Calapooia Wings and More. We are a small farm that has a long interest in poultry. We presently raise Maran and Sumatra in standard and Sussex and Spangled Old English bantams. The Maran is a great chicken to start the hobby with, they are hardy, friendly and lay the most beautiful chocolate colored eggs we have produced in the last twenty years. We have mature hens and started pullets that will not have to be brooded available now. There are many chicken varieties today but you can't go wrong with the charming Black Copper Marans. We have one of the largest Maran flocks in the state, and we have been producing these great gems for three years. If you have an interest in the Marans, give me a call. Thank you and have a great chicken year. Gary Bennett 541-367-6853.
Blue Copper Marans
Black Copper Maran
Dark brown Maran eggs
All these items were donated by Old Mill Feed & Garden for the 2012 Habitat for Hens.
Additional feed and grit was donated by Betty & Lud DeVito.
A special thanks to those who made this year's build possible: Will & Kathie Thompson and my husband Ken!