Monday, November 17, 2014

LWV Corvallis: "Combating Climate Change: Will a Carbon Tax Fly in Oregon?" Nov. 20 Public Forum

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Subject: LWV Corvallis Presents "Combating Climate Change: Will a Carbon Tax Fly in Oregon?" Nov. 20 Public Forum

Invest in Congresscritters, the returns are terrific

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

They got more than the nation's Social Security recipients!

Sunlight Foundation
"Between 2007 and 2012, 200 of America's most politically active corporations spent a combined $5.8 billion on federal lobbying and campaign contributions. A year-long analysis by the Sunlight Foundation suggests, however, that what they gave pales compared to what those same corporations got: $4.4 trillion in federal business and support. That figure, more than the $4.3 trillion the federal government paid the nation's 50 million Social Security recipients over the same period, is the result of an unprecedented effort to quantify the less-examined side of the campaign finance equation: Do political donors get something in return for what they give? Four years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court suggested the answer to that question was no. Corporate spending to influence federal elections would not "give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption," the majority wrote in the landmark Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision. Sunlight decided to test that premise by examining influence and its potential results on federal decision makers over six years, three before the 2010 Citizens United decision and three after."


It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglass

How climate chaos will disrupt health care systems

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."
Climate Risk: What It Means For Oregon's Health Care Sectors
From 8:00 AM until 11:30 AM on Friday, November 21st, Oregon's health professionals will have a critical conversation: What does climate risk mean for Oregon's health and health care sectors? How can we prepare for exacerbated health conditions, extreme weather disaster, supply chain disruption and infrastructure challenges?

Don't miss Lillian Shirley from the Oregon Health Authority presenting the 2014 Oregon Climate and Health Profile. Jon Utech's keynote address will share insights on the Cleveland Clinic's extraordinary commitment to sustainability. Oregon's own public and private health care leaders will also discuss forward-thinking strategies to address climate change impacts.

Climate Risk: What it means for Oregon's health care sectors
When: November 21, 8:00 – 11:30 AM (Registration begins at 7:30 AM. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 AM. Program begins at 8:15 AM)
Where: World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon St, #2, Portland, OR
Cost: $20/$15 for OEC members

This forum is convened by sponsors Moda Health and Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon in partnership with Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Environmental Council, Physicians for Social Responsibility, American Lung Association Oregon Chapter and Health Care Without Harm.

Easy Living

"We're under some gross misconception that we're a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we'll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It's delusion."

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."