Speak up now! Tell the city you want more and better library services throughout Salem!
Salem Public Library is conducting a study to understand the needs of our community and our customers.
If you are also a Salem Public Library cardholder, you may have received a survey invitation from the Library recently. If you responded to it, we appreciate it. We are now conducting an online survey with community stakeholders to assess the direction of the library and better understand the needs for library services in our community. We invite you to participate in the survey by clicking on the link provided below.
On behalf of everyone at the Salem Public Library, we would like to thank you in advance for your willingness to share your thoughts and opinions with us to help make our Library better for the future.
Please click here to take the survey.
Note: The survey will close on Friday, September 7 at 11:59 PM.
BJ Toewe
Library Administrator, Salem Public Library