How bout instead it be used for a mixed used live-work space for working people that would help restore Salem vitality and eliminate trips.
State approves nursing facility project in Salem
The Oregon Health Authority has issued a proposed order to Salem LTC Properties, LLC, for the development of a new 52-bed skilled nursing facility to be located in Salem.
This project involves the relocation of 52 nursing facility beds from Marquis Silver Gardens (“Silver Gardens”) to the new facility. Upon completion of the project, Silver Gardens will close. Marquis Companies I, Inc., through a long-term operational lease agreement, will operate the new facility.
The new facility will be located at the southwest corner of Front and Commercial streets in Salem at a to-be-formalized tax lot, currently known as Parcel 2 of the North Block of the old Boise Cascade site. Silver Gardens is located in Silverton.
The order issued today is a proposed order. Any affected party who takes exception to the proposed order may request the OHA Public Health Division to hold an informal hearing. If no request for a hearing is received by March 21, 2016, the proposed order will automatically become final. For more information about this project, contact Jana Fussell, certificate of need coordinator, Public Health Division, 971-673-1108.
Under state certificate of need law, Salem LTC Properties, LLC, was required to seek state approval of this project because it involves the relocation of existing nursing facility beds to a new facility. The purpose of the law is to see that health services are adequately distributed in the state without unnecessary duplication of services or excessive cost to patients.
This proposed order grants the provider permission to proceed with the project as submitted. This project will be subject to further review for any changes to the physical plant, for state licensure, and for federal certification for Medicare and Medicaid if requested.