Image by mattlemmon via Flickr
For an older, fuller version, find the talk here.
See also "Out of Gas" by Dr. David Goodstein, Provost at CalTech.
STRONG Salem is for everyone who wants to help and participate in getting Salem, Oregon, to quit chasing Growth Ponzi Scheme plans and instead become a resilient, fiscally responsible place that lives by the wisdom that "Communities exist for the health and enjoyment of those who live in them, not for the convenience of those who drive through them, fly over them, or exploit their real estate for profit."
Image by mattlemmon via Flickr
Better take your bike with you, because the buses will stop so early (7 p.m.) that you're likely to be stranded otherwise. Image via Wikipedia
For the Salem-Keizer Transit Board Meeting of June 25, 2009 Agenda Item #F.4
You can contact all the Transit Board Members use
An overall service reduction is needed by September 2009 in order for the cost of service provided by the Salem Area Mass Transit District to be covered by annual revenues received and to stay within budget. As a result a system redesign is being proposed to not only address the budget issue also long-term ongoing issues with inefficiencies in the current system
Salem Area Mass Transit District
Bus Routes Redesign – Information for our Customers
The following information is for use with customers who have questions about the bus system redesign or specific questions about their routes.
Questions & Answers
When will the final decision on the bus routes redesign be made?Where can I get more information?
- No decision has been made yet.
- The Board of Directors will make a final decision at their Thursday, June 25 meeting (6:30 PM, Senator Hearing Room, Courthouse Square, 555 Court Street NE.)
- Everyone is welcome to come to this meeting
- No formal public testimony on the bus routes redesign will be taken at this meeting.
- The meeting can also be watched on CCTV Channel 21 or by video streaming on their website at at 6:30 PM
How can I talk with Cherriots staff or board members about the bus routes redesign process?
- The Board agenda packet with information about the bus routes redesign will be available on our website by Friday, June 19:
- Maps showing bus routes redesign scenarios can be seen on our website: Go to the Current Updates section to view a redesign presentation.
Appointments to talk or meet with staff can be made. A representative from the Transportation Development Division will contact customers to make appointments. (Get the caller/visitors contact information.)
- Name: ________________________________________
- Phone number and/or email address: ___________________
Customers can email Board or staff directly with their opinions, questions or concerns: Staff email:
- Best time to call them back: _________________________
Board of Directors email:
How will I be informed of the new bus system routes?
The Salem Area Mass Transit District Board will make a decision about the bus system redesign on June 25. Information will be:Important Upcoming Dates for the Bus Routes Redesign to be aware of:
- Posted on our website
- Available on the buses and at bus stops
- Mailed to customers
- Available at the Transit Mall Customer Service Center
- June 19 -- Board meeting agenda packet with information about bus routes redesign options available on our website:
- June 25 -- Board picks a bus routes scenario.
- July–August Information distributed to public about new routes.
- September 4 Last day of bus service on existing routes.
- September 8 First day of new bus service with new routes and frequencies.
Jan 19, 2008: LOVESalem reaches the web, bringing a vitally needed message to Oregon's capital city: We must Oregon-ize to put the needs of people before the needs of cars. This requires that we live our environmental values -- that we LOVE (Live Our Values Environmentally) Salem -- by working to stop the Sprawl Machine.
The Sprawl Machine is a ravenous beast that feeds on green space, close-in neighborhoods, and property taxes and that excretes monstrous, ugly road projects that pollute the air, increase mortality and morbidity, promote climate change, weaken families and neighborhoods, and help weaken the social fabric and civic participation.
The Sprawl Machine works by constantly luring its prey with promises that the problems created by cars can be addressed by doing more of the same -- building more lanes, more bridges, consuming ever more money. In other words, the Sprawl Machine promises that we can keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result this time.
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