Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Probably the most important Salem City Club talk ever happens Jan. 24
Subject: SCC eBulletin - Salem Civic Center: Proposed Changes and Upgrades
Reply-To: Salem City Club <office@salemcityclub.com>
SCC eBulletin - Salem Civic Center: Proposed Changes and Upgrades
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Celebrating 46 Years
of exceptional civic discourseJoin Us!
Register now for the
January 24 program.
Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.
Program, NoonWillamette Heritage Center
at The Mill
1313 Mill Street, SE
Salem, OR 97301-6351
For luncheon reservations, call 503.370.2808 or email rsvp@salemcityclub.com
by noon, the Wednesday before each program.
Register online at www.SalemCityClub.com
Member Lunch, $12
Member No Lunch, No Cost
Nonmember Lunch, $15
Nonmember No Lunch: $5
Vegetarian or vegan entrees are available and must be requested at time of RSVP
Free parking
Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Not a Member yet? Join online at SalemCityClub.com
Contact Info for SCC
CCTV Broadcast Schedule
SCC programs can be seen on CCTV, Comcast Cable Channel 21, for two weeks starting the Wednesday after the meeting on Wednesdays at 4pm, Thursdays at 4:30pm, Fridays at 7pm, and Saturdays at 1pm.
Salem City Club's mission:
"...to provide a common meeting ground for persons of divergent beliefs, politics and occupations, for the interchange of ideas and stimulation of intelligent thinking and action on civic affairs; and to inform and activate its members and the community in public matters, and to arouse in them an appreciation of the responsibilities of citizenship."
Thank You
Sustaining Contributors!
Platinum ContributorsKathleen BeaufaitEgon & Diana BodtkerBeverly BowDeborah Dancik & Edd LeSageBritta Lion Franz
Roger P. GilletteMary KamppiSteve KenneyJan & Les MargosianAnita SaalfeldLinda TealBob & Leslie ZeigenGold ContributorsKeith York & Mary Hart
Ruth Young
Silver ContributorsAdele Egan
Nancy Kuehn
Bill Mainwaring
Raquel Moore-Green
Kathy & Steve Sansone
Martha H. Curry
And thank you to those members who donated and wish to remain anonymous January 13, Volume 46, Issue 10
Join us on Friday, January 24th at noon, when we will hear
Peak Oil and Ponzi Finance:
from Mr. Charlie Stephens. He is a long-time public policy specialist, with a wide range of experiences. He spent 17 years at the Oregon Department of Energy as a lead policy analyst. His broad areas of expertise include energy policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transportation systems and land use, economic and community development, macroeconomics, sustainable agriculture, international trade and foreign policy, and climate change. He is a retired Navy Commander, having served 22 years in the Navy and Coast Guard.
Mr. Stephens will talk about money and oil connections throughout history, including the role of energy and finance in our current economic problems. He will give his assessment of current energy options as we look to the immediate future, including nuclear, shale, tar sands and fracking.
He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Thayer School of Engineering in Hanover, New Hampshire. While at Dartmouth, he played a key role in modeling one of the five sectors within the Meadows/Forrester team that produced the original Limits to Growth study. Currently, he is one of the leading national experts on energy efficiency of appliances and related technologies.
When he's not working, Charlie enjoys spending time in the cathedrals of the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest, and riding and working with his horses.
Please join us Friday, January 24, 2014, as we welcome Charlie Stephens at the Willamette Heritage Center at the Mill. For lunch reservations email rsvp@salemcityclub.com before noon Wednesday, January 22, 2014. Parking is free. Doors open at 11:30 AM. For more information on this program please go to www.salemcityclub.com.
Thank you, Members, for making our Membership Drive a smashing success. We welcomed 28 new members from September 1 through the end of the year. Those members are: Steve Aanonson, Anne Bauer, Jonathan Bauer, Keith Bauer, Madge Bauer, Michael Conroyd, Martha Curry, William Dalton, Tom Dutoit, Dorothy Eberhardt, Dan Ebert, Brian Fordham, Brian Hart, Rose Kachadoorian, Marcia Kelley, Cynthia Kimball, Kim Lemman, Kathy Lincoln, Nicholoas Nikas, Sean Nikas, Selma Pierce, Michael Powers, Sam Wegner, Kathleen West, Jill Woods, Jo Ann Yockey, Jon Yoder, Mary Lou Zeek.
2013 Fall Membership Drive:
A Smashing Success!
Members who introduced someone to the Club, who then joined during the drive, were entered into a prize drawing for a Weekend at the Beach. CONGRATULATIONS to Hans West, who introduced Kathleen West. Because this introduction was so easy, he promised to get another membership. We'll hold him to it. (The original name drawn on December 13 was not eligible for the drawing. A replacement drawing was held on January 10, prior to the program.)
Building membership is a full-time, 365 day-a-year mission. The strength and variety of our programs makes it easy to invite a community member to experience the club. Often, one experience will lead to a member joining the Club. Please be sure to mention your membership in Salem City Club when you are out with friends and family. Encourage them to see Salem City Club at work and we can all get the benefit of increased membership: energy, diversity, and financial strength.
Mark Your Calendar,
Save the Dates
February 7: Coordinated Care Organizations: Oregon's Unique Approach to Better Health Care.
Ruth Bauman, Chairwoman of the Board, Willamette Valley Community Health, A CCO Serving the Mid-Willamette Valley; Dr. William C. "Bud" Pierce, M.D., Immediate Past President, Oregon Medical Association; Cheryl Nestor-Wolfe, Chief Operations Officer, Salem Health. This is the fourth program in the series, Health Care for Oregonians.
February 19: State of the City Address: Mayor Anna Peterson. A joint effort by Salem City Club, Downtown Rotary, and the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. Noon - 1:30 p.m. at the Salem Convention Center.
February 21: At the Helm of NOAA: Science and Policy from Sharks to Rats. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, former Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; currently Valley Professor of Marine Biology and Distinguished Professor of Zoology, Oregon State University.
March 7: "Win, Place, Show: Wagering on Health Care Reform." This is the fifth program in the series, Health Care for Oregonians.