Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hush! A harbinger of fall already!

Blueberry FieldsImage by Arwen Twinkle via FlickrGot a chill when reading this latest from The (just announced) Official 2010 LOVESalem Coolest Nonprofit, Neighborhood Harvest of Salem.

Those awful words . . . "final blueberry harvest," -- I swear, I thought I smelled woodsmoke for a minute when I read those! Anyway, if you haven't already joined NHS and done your bit -- for yourself and for the Food Share, then get hot.
A final blueberry harvest has been scheduled at a site a few miles east of Salem. It will be this Friday, August 20, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Sign up for the harvest at If you can help us with checking people in or weighing buckets and fruit, please send an email to Lisa at .

Dick Yates, Neighborhood Harvest of Salem
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Stopping Dropoff Littering at the Source

Seattle Phone Book SpamImage by edkohler via FlickrMake the litterers pay to clean up their mess.
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