Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Free award-winning documentary film: The Life of Vesper Geer

Salem Public Library Presents
A free screening of an award-winning documentary film:

The Life of Vesper Geer  by Michael Turner

The Oregonian says:  "A beautifully conceived and executed tribute to continuity and preservation... Rich for the eyes, ears, and memory." 

A free screening of this award-winning documentary The Life of Vesper Geer will be held:

7 p.m. Tuesday, October 16Salem Public Library’s Loucks Auditorium at 585 Liberty Street SE.

Open to the public, with seating available on a first-come, first-seated basis
More information is available at www.geercrest.org/vesper.htm or 503-873-3406

Vesper Geer was the fourth-generation owner of the Geer farmstead, the oldest frame-built house in Oregon to remain in the same family, and the state’s second deeded land claim.  She was born in the kitchen of that old house in 1917, and passed away there on New Year’s Eve, 2010.
Her own photographs, journals, and recordings tell the story of a woman’s enduring love for her small farm, and her struggle to keep it in the family.
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