Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Food & Sustainability Book Group forming

LOVESalem visitors can look into joining a "potluck and books" group being organized by a local sustainability advocate, Melissa A, who is a real asset to our little city.

The first meeting will take up the very well-reviewed and popular book by Barbara Kingsolver, a gifted writer, called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I've composed a survey page on SurveyMonkey.com to gather your responses as to when we should hold our first monthly book discussion & potluck. The book we will discuss is: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.

You are getting this invitation because you've recently participated in a discussion group (i.e. Menu for the Future), wish you had participated, participated in one in the past, or are perhaps a food-conscious person who wants to socialize and join this group :)

Here's the link you need to access in order to cast your input:

FYI - You can forward this to your friends who might be interested in attending, the survey is not restricted to just the e-mail address I'm sending this to. AKA, spread the word!
If you want to participate, complete the survey (link above) and you can contact Melissa at community.dreamer@yahoo.com

Kids Bicycle Program in Salem

A recently appointed member of the Cherriots Board sends this encouraging message:

The Salvation Army in Salem has started a bicycle repair program to teach our residents and children some skills. They have also donated the repaired or reused bikes.

Anyone interested in volunteering, donating bikes or repair tools, money, or finding out more about the program may contact Chaplain Dan Reichman. His cell phone # is 503-999-0179.
--Kate Tarter

Word: Amusing Ourselves to Death


"[Americans are] probably the best entertained and least informed people in the world," Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said Friday at the BuiltGreen Conference in Seattle, noting that we know more about the decline of Britney Spears than we do about global warming. It was one grim truth among many that he shared with the audience of architects, planners, and green building folks.

See you April 18!

Grand Opening of the
Union Street Railroad Bridge

Saturday, April 18, 2009, 10 a.m.

Riverfront Park (North End)

Presentation, ceremony, bridge parade, entertainment for the whole family and refreshments.

Parking available at Wallace Marine Park and Riverfront Park.

[Sadly, Cherriots no longer operates on Saturday, so you can't catch a bus to this event. However, ideally there will be great weather for biking.]