Environment Oregon a most welcome development: recognition that it's time to stop PGE from killing Oregon's chances for a livable climate by stopping coal use in Oregon:
We've made our list, we've checked it twice: PGE's Boardman Coal Plant is naughty, not nice. And as a result, this holiday season, Oregon is getting 40 percent of its electricity from coal.
Thanks to your help, we're releasing a new report on December 22nd showing that coal-fired power plants are the nation's single largest source of global warming pollution. Now it's time to shut down the biggest polluter in Oregon -- PGE's Boardman Coal Plant.
Send your comment to the EPA now and tell them to shutdown PGE's Boardman Coal Plant and crack down on the nation's biggest polluters.
The Big Polluters Rule would require new and expanding coal plants and other dirty smokestack industries to clean up their act and meet modern standards for global warming pollution -- a necessary step in stopping global warming and building a clean energy economy.
Coal industry lobbyists are working overtime to stop the agency from taking this or any step to require coal plants and other big smokestack industries to meet performance standards for global warming pollution.
In fact, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a coal industry lobby group, spent nearly $40 million in 2008 alone -- more than $100,000 a day -- on lobbyists and advertising to stop the transition to clean energy, according to reports from the Internal Revenue Service this month.
Earlier this year, they even hired lobbyists who forged phony constituent letters to Congress opposing action on clean energy.
Let's set the record straight. Americans want cleaner air and water and to be protected from the dangerous effects of global warming fueled by coal plants.
The EPA has heard from us -- our testimony on the Big Polluters Rule in early November put the issue on their radar. [1]
Now they want to hear from you.
Submit your comment to the EPA's public register now and tell the biggest polluters it's time to clean up their act:
Thanks for making it all possible,
Nicole Forbes
Environment Oregon Field Organizer
[UPDATE: Crooks & Liars has a pretty good rundown on why this has to happen soon.]