Monday, November 2, 2009

Crucial graphs

Amazing set of graphs (pdfs) from the International Federation of Health Plans. (H/t, Ezra Klein, WA Post.)

Maybe President "Big Coal" Pelton will introduce the speaker!

Too funny -- a philosopher speaking at Willamette U. law school to inquire about whether we have any obligation to the future. Maybe Willamette President M. Lee "Big Coal" Pelton -- who sits in a very comfortable chair on the board of PGE, Oregon's top polluter and greenhouse gas emitter -- will introduce her and stay to argue that, no, our only obligation is to maximize the return to our shareholders (since that is, after all, PGE's position).

Wreaths to beautify and to build community

You can order online or send your check for $30 to Brenda Lawrence, 2086 Cottage St. SE,
Salem, OR 97302 by November 20.

Pickup is on Saturday, Dec. 5 at First United Methodist Church, 600 State St. in Salem, 8 a.m. - Noon.