Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Rally against Haste and Waste in Siting new Salem Police HQ Facility

Salem City Watch Members, 

The Police Facility Task Force will be meeting at the Broadway Commons next week on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, from 6 pm to 8 pm to further discuss the best location for a new police facility. The public is invited and encouraged to attend so you can lend your support for an appropriate location.  A new Police Force Facility is sorely needed and members of the community who serve on the task force are particularly anxious [sic -- eager] that it be built economically, with expediency, and in a carefully thought out way that can best serve the needs of the police and the community. After all 56% of the City of Salem's general fund is spent on Police and Fire every year.  

       It is vitally important that everybody come.  This is likely to be the decisive meeting.  It appears from the Agenda that staff and some task force members are attempting to push the location back to Civic Center.  There are many good reasons, including the excessive cost, for not placing the new facility on city hall property or right next to it or across the street.  Your input is needed on these issues.  Please come!  This is the time, there will not be another.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Re: Big Oil attacks Oregon's clean fuels

That's a load of crap.  Biofuels are fossil fuels plus topsoil depletion, GMOs run wild, and INCREASED climate emissions. That's without even considering the effect on food prices.  Biofuels kill.

It's pathetic that organizations helping Big Oil lock in the liquid fossil fuels paradigm are pretending to do something TO Big Oil when they're really just doing something FOR Big Oil.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

On Mar 4, 2015, at 09:56, NRDC - Joel Reynolds <> wrote:


Protect Oregon's Clean Energy Future

Protect San Onofre State Beach from disaster!


In Oregon, we are moving quickly on plans to cut carbon pollution, the dangerous stuff that fuels climate change.

But Oregon's inspiring clean energy program is at risk of being polluted by Big Oil. The oil industry is trying to kill the program that has phased in a mix of cleaner fuels for our vehicles while reducing the amount of dirty fuels that pollute our air, water and land.

Protect the law that protects Oregon -- tell your state representative to stand firm against Big Oil's attacks on clean fuels.

The Oregon State Senate voted last month to extend the Clean Fuels Program -- but, true to form, the oil industry is investing big money to lobby the House to block extension of the program.

The Clean Fuels Program is already working by phasing in a mix of cleaner fuels for our cars and trucks since 2009.

And hundreds of innovative companies are now producing cleaner fuels, including sustainable, advanced biofuels, clean electricity and biogas. We're creating clean energy jobs, right here in Oregon, and saving money on fuel at the same time.

The Clean Fuels Program will continue to spur investments in clean energy, cut our oil consumption and introduce more fuel competition to the state. But we can't stop now.

Tell your Oregon representative to stand up for Oregon's Clean Fuels Program.

We cannot afford the oil industry's monopoly over our transportation fuels, economy and health. Don't let profitable polluters take our state backwards -- help protect Oregon's clean energy future.

Thank you,
Joel Reynolds
Western Director, NRDC

Robert Kennedy Jr. to show anti-vaccine film in Salem

This is terrible.

RFK Jr. Has done fine work and his heart is definitely in the right place, but this and support for biofuels on the left are just more evidence that anti-science lunacy is not solely a trait of the GOP.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

I just signed this GMO petition -- will you?

Republicans in Congress obedient to Satan's chosen emissary on Earth (Monsanto) are set to reintroduce a bill to block GMO labeling.

So much for the states rights they're always yammering about. Turns out that only applies to oppressive measures to control people -- they're fine with federal control over state laws when it works for their corporate masters.

That's why I just took action urging Congress to reject this dangerous legislation. I think you should, too.

Sign the petition here:

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."