Neighborhood Harvest of Salem welcomes you! You are invited to join a new community organization, Neighborhood Harvest.
Our volunteers gather unused fruit from Salem’s backyards, share the bounty with families who are hungry, and take home free produce, grown right here. We seek to create community and strengthen neighborhood friendships, alleviate hunger, create awareness of our abundant edible landscapes, and promote sustainable lifestyles.
We are affiliated with Friends of Salem Saturday Market and linked to Marion-Polk Food Share through donations of produce.
Urban foraging is part of a growing movement that connects unused backyard fruit trees with people who have the time and energy to harvest them.
The basic idea is simple: Home owners register trees, vines or berry bushes that produce more fresh fruit than they can use. Volunteers join harvest parties to gather the fruit that might otherwise drop to the ground. We deliver half of each harvest to neighborhood food pantries affiliated with the Food Share, and harvesters take home the other half for their pantries.
Harvest parties begin in July with the cherry season, but for now we are seeking energetic, responsible volunteers. Sign up to be a harvest leader, neighborhood coordinator or site scout. We’ll show you how to organize a fruit-picking adventure while meeting neighbors and new friends.
To volunteer, contact Katherine.
Register your tree, vine or berry bush using our online form, or contact Dick.
For information visit our website or contact Lisa.