Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Great Stuff: From Cart to Art Event

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

From Cart to Art Event
From Cart to Art Fundraiser .... October 11th! Register Today!
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Here is a sneak peak at some of the art items that have been donated to Straub Environmental Center's
"From Cart to Art"!
This is just a sampling.... Purchase tickets today to see the other gorgeous art pieces to be auctioned off - all made from recycled materials!
Straub Environmental Center is excited to announce the social event of the year, "From Cart to Art".
FOOD!   BEER!   WINE!   LIVE entertainment!
 All for $20/person or $40/couple
Saturday, October 11 from 6pm - 8pm

2505 Mission St., SE Salem, 97302 (the former Capitol Subaru building on the corner of Mission St. & 25th St.)

Join other environmentally concerned community members for a night of fun, entertainment and learning about ways to become more sustainable and environmentally responsible!

All while supporting Straub Environmental Center and our environmental education programs*!

This innovative and creative approach to reuse and recycling is a way for artists, businesses, groups and individuals to share unique ways to be stewards of the earth by taking gently used, recycled items from their blue bins to create art!

The art will be auctioned off at From Cart to Art and all proceeds will aid in supporting environmental education for all community members.

* The Straub Environmental Center (SEC) has shaped environmental education over the years, moving learners from awareness to knowledge to influencing attitudes and motivating new individual behaviors and community action. SEC's role in our community as an environmental education leader informs and influences the entire mid-Willamette Valley by creating real change and having a measurable impact on our environment. SEC educational programs help attendees become more passionately involved in protecting and caring for our natural environment by teaching sustainable practices and motivating people to become stewards of the earth.
Click here to purchase tickets for "From Cart to Art"
Copyright © 2014 Straub Environmental Center, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Straub Environmental Center
PO Box 12363
Salem, OR 97309

A must-see: GMO, OMG! Thurs, Oct. 9th PLUS sneak peak of Nov film

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Subject: GMO, OMG! Thurs, Oct. 9th PLUS sneak peak of Nov film

 raising awareness, one film at a time

Upcoming Documentaries & Guest Speakers


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In This Issue
October Film
November Film

What we do and why we do it

The Salem Progressive Film Series (SPFS) mission is to raise awareness and educate the community on important current, local, national and world issues, provide a public forum for discussion and further research, and stimulate personal civic involvement.


Each month, we show high quality documentaries followed by expert guest speakers and an audience discussion.

Where and when we do it

Every second Thursday from September to May.

7PM, doors open 6:15


Historic Grand Theatre
191 High St. NE
Downtown Salem, OR.



Grand theatre

Our Sponsors
Historic Grand Theatre


Salem Weekly


LifeSource Natural Foods


John Gear Law Office


Salem Summit Co. 


South Salem Cycleworks


Marion County Environmental Services


BAM Agency


Cascade Baking Co.


Zena Forest, LLC


Salem City Club


Salamander Designs


Nathan Good Architects PC


Allied Video


Salem City Watch


Marion County Democratic Party


Oregon Environmental Council


Quick Links...



Please join us one week from tomorrow, 

Thursday October 9th,

for the screening of the documentary



"GMO OMG is an excellent film that accurately describes the complexities of the GMO controversy while making it a very personal, touching, and humorous journey to find non-GMO foods." - The Organic & Non-GMO Report -


"...GMO OMG could be the film that bridges the knowledge gap for hundreds of thousands of Americans and allows us to reach that 'tipping point'..." - ALT Health Works -


See below for more information about the film and guest speakers.


Also, see below for a sneak peak at the November Film!!


If you'd like to become an Individual Supporter of SPFS, for only $65 we will mail you a pass that gives you entrance to all 9 films, from September through May. See the information at the very bottom of this email.


Thank you for your continued support.

 Upcoming Film

 Thursday, October 9th -- 7 PM




Who controls the future of your food? GMO, OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity's most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds. Director Jeremy Seifert investigates how loss of seed diversity and corresponding laboratory assisted genetic alteration of food affects his young children, the health of our planet, and freedom of choice everywhere.

Each of us unknowingly consumes genetically engineered food on a daily basis. Yet the risks and effects to our health and the environment are largely unknown. The film accurately describes the complexities of the GMO controversy while making it a very personal, touching, and humorous journey to find non-GMO foods."


This is a timely film, since we will be voting on GMO labeling (Measure 92) on November 4th. Come and learn more about the issue of GMOs and labeling.


Films website and trailer:



Guest Speakers:


Ivan Maluski,

Director of Friends of Family Farmers



Scott Bates,

Oregon Right To Know, GMO Labeling Campaign 




Thursday, November 13th --7 PM


"Citizen Koch"

With the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling opening the floodgates for unlimited political spending, it's now easier than ever to buy an election. But what happens when the voters realize that the billionaires and corporations doing the buying do not have the people's best interests at heart? This question is at the core of CITIZEN KOCH, the new documentary from the Academy Award®-nominated directors of Trouble the Water, Carl Deal and Tia Lessin.


The filmmakers break down the politically-motivated maneuvering behind the Supreme Court case that changed the way our democracy works, making way for the 2010 midterm elections that ushered in a new wave of ultraconservative Tea Party politicians. The Tea Party positioned itself as a citizen-powered, homegrown movement borne from sheer patriotism, but was actually one of the most well-funded and corporately-orchestrated political operations in history. Republicans capitalized on this new era with huge gains not just in Washington, DC, but across the country.


 Become an Individual Supporter of SPFS

Help support the Salem Progressive Film Series.


Your financial contribution will allow us to bring high quality films and expert speakers to Salem. 


Not only will you have personal satisfaction, but you will also be helping to strengthen our community. And your donation is tax deductible.


For only $65, we will mail you a pass for all 9 films, September through May. And, your name will appear as a supporter on our loop video.

Mail your check to:

PO Box 13184

Salem, OR 97309


Thank you!




We are not just an audience. We are not passive witnesses, sitting in a dark theatre. Many of the documentaries that we bring to Salem can be difficult to watch, but sometimes it's what we need to jolt us into action. The goal of SPFS is that each and everyone of you can resonate with our films, and by working together with discipline and persistence, we can overturn unjust authority
Forward email

Salem Progressive Film Series | PO Box 13184 | Salem | OR | 97309

All have a role in reducing lead emissions at Hillsboro Airport (editorial) |

Interesting editorial on toxic lead pollution from aircraft. Very revealing of the Oregonian mindset, which is the same one dominating in Salem, the one that says "It can't hurt you if you don't think about it."

To the Oregonian, rural Oregonians don't matter -- their solution isn't to make the easy fix, stopping use of leaded gas, but rather to send the lead emissions out to be sprayed around where we grow food.  Freaking brilliant.

Lead is a persistent, potent neurotoxin that damages the brain permanently.  When sprayed on crops, it enters the food chain and winds up in us.  When sprayed over urban areas, it gets on everything and begins being consumed with food and drink (in this era of eating while driving, who washes before touching every bite of food?).  Good comment on the article repeated below.

Miki Barnes

The Centers for Disease Control has stated that there is no safe level of lead in a child's blood and recommends eliminating this toxin at its source. The largest source of airborne lead emissions in the U.S. are airports, especially airports that accommodate piston engine aircraft like Hillsboro Airport which ranks in the top one percent, 21st in the nation, out of nearly 20,000 U.S. airports in lead emissions.

In light of this substantial body of evidence revealing  the pernicious effect of lead on both children and adults, even at very low exposure levels, why does the Oregon Pilots Association view shifting flight training to rural communities as a solution to airport environmental problems? Is the health and well being of rural residents of less importance than urban dwellers? Why should the for profit flight training industry be entitled to degrade the livability and compromise the health of people who have chosen to live in less populated rural settings? For the record, rural and urban residetns alike are  already subjected to Hillsboro Aviation flight training activity over rural communities throughout the area.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Find out how to save money and cut carbon pollution for free

This is a genuinely great opportunity -- get a totally free energy waste audit of your house, a list of measures to stop it, ranked by economic payoff, and also the contractor kicks $100 to 1000 Friends of Oregon.

Home energy use causes a huge share of our carbon pollution emissions. Anything you do to reduce it helps.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Goal 13 and Your Home
nkheader 4
Friends, you've never seen an email like this from us before, and you may not again. An opportunity with a local, family-owned benefit corporation offers resources to 1000 Friends and, we hope, benefits to you, too. Your feedback is welcome to


By now we all know winter is coming. You could just accept the drop in temperatures and rise in energy costs. Alternatively, you can participate in a program that supports 1000 Friends, makes your home more comfortable, could save you money on your energy bill, and helps realize Goal 13 of Oregon's land use planning program; Energy Conservation. 

Will you sign up for a free home energy assessment and earn $100 for 1000 Friends? 

This October 1000 Friends is partnering with Neil Kelly, a family business that's been weatherizing homes in Oregon since 1947, to offer free home energy assessments to our supporters through the Clean Energy Works program. At your home energy assessment a certified technician will complete a 100-point performance check of your home's energy use, and make recommendations for the most efficient upgrades to make your home more comfortable.


The funds raised from this partnership will be directed toward our investment in strategic planning. Did you know 1000 Friends turns 40 next year? To chart a course for our next 40 years in Oregon we're investing in plans of our own. 


You can help us reach our goal of 25 sign-ups and $2500 toward strategic planning just by signing up for a free home energy audit. Click here to sign up.

We thank our friends at Neil Kelly for their generosity, and we thank you for signing up! 

All our best,
The team at 1000 Friends of Oregon

P.S. Learn more about Oregon's 19 land use goals here.


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1000 Friends of Oregon | 133 SW 2nd Ave., Suite 201, Portland, OR 97204
Regional Offices: Eugene, Grants Pass
503-497-1000 |
© 2014, 1000 Friends of Oregon, All Rights Reserved.


Header photo by Oregon Attractions on Flickr's Creative Commons.
Sidebar photos courtesy of

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1000 Friends of Oregon
133 SW 2nd Ave., Suite 201
Portland, Oregon 97204

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