Monday, October 19, 2009

New magazine of note for people who want to eat better food at lower cost with less risk



New from the editors of Hobby Farms and Hobby Farm Home!

It doesn’t take a farm to have the heart of a farmer. Now, due to a burgeoning sustainable-living movement, you don’t have to own acreage to fulfill your dream of raising your own food. The new Urban Farm™ magazine, from the editors of Hobby Farms, will walk you down the path to self sustainability.

<<We're following urban farming in the news>>
Urban Farm™ magazine’s mission is to promote the benefits of self sustainability and to provide the tools with which to do it on any size property. Urban Farm™ reaches out to those in the city and suburbs, those who are inspired by the local food movement and who want to start raising chickens and growing food for themselves, supporting local agriculture and living more sustainably.

Urban farms are popping up all over America. However, things are different on an urban farm, versus a rural hobby farm. With less space to work with, projects must be scaled down, efficiency becomes crucial, and one must be resourceful to use every inch of space and recycle every unused object into something useful.

Urban Farm™ is informational and inspirational, filled with how-to projects, profiles of urban farmers across America, “green” and innovative products, and of course, recipes for preparing your homegrown vegetables, eggs and other farm bounty.

Green Holiday Fair

Workers sorting and pulping coffee beans at a ...Workers sorting fair-trade coffee in Guatemala. Image via Wikipedia

Get nice things for others to celebrate any of the holidays that come in the dark times leading up to Solstice, when we mark the commencement of the return of the light.
Sunday, Nov. 22, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sustainable Holiday Market
Cone Field House at Sparks Field, Willamette University (Corner 12th & Bellevue Sts)

Shop for recycled, chemical-free, locally made, fair trade, and energy- and water-saving gifts to give to your friends and family this holiday season. Also, learn about tips to make your holiday celebrations more earth-friendly, have the kids make gifts for family members at our "Earth-Friendly Elves" station, and enjoy live music! Buy raffle tickets to win sustainable gifts donated by our vendors; all proceeds benefit FSELC's environmental education programs. No admission fee.

NOTE: Vendor spaces still available; please contact Lisa, 503-391-4145 for more info.
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A "must-have" for your reader: Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air

GREENWASH.  Lies, Disinformation, Propaganda.Image by ~~ zorro ~~ via Flickr

"Numbers are better than adjectives."

If you are confused by corporate greenwashing or uncertain about all the soothing claims you hear floating around about how this or that innovation is going to make all this concern about climate unnecessary, or how this or that breakthrough will solve the peak oil predicament, it's always good to check in with David Mackay, author of "Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air," which you can download for free if you like.

A very worthwhile site to add to your newsreader.
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