There hasn't been an Unsolicited Plug here in a while, and I realized that I had one I should share, despite my deep hatred of phony spellings like "Lite" and "Nite" and "Donut" etc.
The plug goes to SolarSkyLite.
This is also the first unsolicited plug that discusses a national product rather than a Salem-made product or service -- a solar light port kit that would probably install pretty easily and does a very nice job lighting up an otherwise dark, windowless hallway that often needed a light on during even the brightest days, just because of the way the house was laid out. I wouldn't actually know how hard it was to install, because, at least in my case, the savings on the kit (just $200 at Costco) are better used having a real pro do most home improvement projects.
And the pro I can suggest is Paul Nash of Nash Built Construction. Paul did a LOT of work here at LOVESalem HQ in 2009 by framing around the _outside_ of the house to add 2" of thick thermal insulation panels and then hang hardiplank(TM) siding. He and his helper Vince did good, solid work for weeks and helped make LOVESalem HQ much more energy-efficient and comfortable, not to mention much, much, much better looking. He does a fair amount of work in Salem so I'll consider him local even though I think he gets his mail in Sublimity.
If you install one of these SolarSkyLite jobs in 2010 you can write off 30% of the cost on your federal taxes and, I think, probably also write something off your Oregon taxes too (though I haven't checked that part out, so don't quote me). Now that Paul has done one, he could probably pop one in for you pretty quickly, and I doubt you'd regret it. We have a similar solar light port in another dark room of the house and it was terrific this winter.