Monday, August 24, 2015

Sounds freaking terrific to me --NYT Cohen on Sanders

If this is supposed to show how absurd Sanders is, I think we need a lot more of it.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

On both sides of the Atlantic, grumpy is good in politics. Outsider is good. Plain talk is good. Trump's "Deal with it," is the phrase du jour.

Sanders wants to expand Social Security, take America to a single-payer European-style national health system, invest massively to restore America's crumbling infrastructure, make public college tuition free, get rid of "starvation wages" for workers, tax Wall Street trading, end America's wars, and break up banks that are too big to fail.

DC helping finance solar via property tax bills

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."


Want Solar Panels on Your Property? D.C. Will Help You Pay for Them.
The administration of Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) announced Friday that the city's Property Assessed Energy Act program is officially open for business - and Nikolaev's soon-to-be-retrofitted gas station is its first client. The PACE program, which is tied to legislation the District approved in 2012, allows the city to finance energy upgrades through property tax bills.
"The solar-panel system always made financial sense, but the absence of financing was a big reason why I couldn't do it before," Nikolaev said. "It's definitely saving me money, and it's beautifying the station." More