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To-Do: Stand up FOR real people and AGAINST Corporate Personhood

Representative Phil Barnhart, along with Reps. Jeff Barker and Michael Dembrow, has submitted House Joint Memorial 9 which calls for the Oregon Legislature to:
"...respectfully urge the Congress of the United States to pass and send to the several states for ratification a constitutional amendment to restore the First Amendment and fair elections to the people." (full document is attached)
Please contact members of the Rules Committee (where it has been stuck since February 21st) and urge them to pass HJM9 through the Rules Committee.
If you are contacting a Democratic State Representative, you can let them know that HJM9 is supported by two Legislative Action Items adopted at the 2010 Democratic Party of Oregon Platform Convention. These can be found in the attached document (LAI 4-3 on page 9 and LAI 4-1 on page 11).
House Rules Committee
Dave Hunt (Dem), Co-Chair
Andy Olson (Rep), Co-Chair
Vicki Berger (Rep), Co-Vice Chair
Paul Holvey (Dem), Co-Vice Chair
Phil Barnhart (Dem)
Tim Freeman (Rep)
Chris Garrett (Dem)
Matt Wingard Rep)
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