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STRONG Salem is for everyone who wants to help and participate in getting Salem, Oregon, to quit chasing Growth Ponzi Scheme plans and instead become a resilient, fiscally responsible place that lives by the wisdom that "Communities exist for the health and enjoyment of those who live in them, not for the convenience of those who drive through them, fly over them, or exploit their real estate for profit."
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach is a 93 year old holocaust survivor from Poland. He emigrated to the United States with his wife and first-born child in 1950. He has practiced dentistry for 60 years until his retirement in 2015. Today he will be talking about his astonishing life while in the grip of Hitler's Third Reich for 5 years, and how hatred, discrimination and intolerance have led directly to the Jewish holocaust. He is the sole survivor of a loving family of about 100. Torture and mass murders of numerous ethnic groups through thousands of years have scarred mankind's history. It has been and continues to be Dr. Eisenbach's mission to eliminate the scourge of all genocides from the human race.
Come touch history in person and hear this amazing story of survival and success.
Jan 19, 2008: LOVESalem reaches the web, bringing a vitally needed message to Oregon's capital city: We must Oregon-ize to put the needs of people before the needs of cars. This requires that we live our environmental values -- that we LOVE (Live Our Values Environmentally) Salem -- by working to stop the Sprawl Machine.
The Sprawl Machine is a ravenous beast that feeds on green space, close-in neighborhoods, and property taxes and that excretes monstrous, ugly road projects that pollute the air, increase mortality and morbidity, promote climate change, weaken families and neighborhoods, and help weaken the social fabric and civic participation.
The Sprawl Machine works by constantly luring its prey with promises that the problems created by cars can be addressed by doing more of the same -- building more lanes, more bridges, consuming ever more money. In other words, the Sprawl Machine promises that we can keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result this time.
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