Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tomorrow, at 5 p.m. Rally against the Fast Track to Hell, with Foreign Corporations Trumping US Laws

Thanks to Wikileaks, we got a peek into the secret 'investment chapter' of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It's just as bad as we expected.

One particular clause regarding disputes between corporations and governments would establish courts that would allow corporations to sue for loss of "expected profits” if a government passed any laws to regulate dangerous products or business practices. This would effectively allow corporations to circumvent environmental standards, labor laws, and product safety protections established by governments to protect its citizens. We can already see the harm this could cause in places like Australia and Togo, where Phillip Morris sued the governments for millions as a result of stricter laws on tobacco packaging.

It's easy to see other areas where corporations would love to sue governments. McDonald's filed suit in Washington State in reaction to Seattle's groundbreaking $15 minimum wage law. Imagine how many companies could try to spin things like sick leave or maternity leave as policies that cut into their profits.

The TPP is a dangerous deal that will erode our democracy. We have to ensure that Oregon legislators stand with working families, when it comes time to vote.

Join us for a rally to ensure that Rep. Kurt Schrader is on the right side of this deal.

Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 5PM
Rep. Kurt Schrader’s Salem office
544 Ferry Street, S.E., Ste. 2, Salem, OR 97301

In a recent poll by Public Policy Polling, a whopping 73% of Oregonians were opposed to fast tracking TPP. We’re going to make sure that all of Oregon’s Congressional delegates know that Oregonians won’t stand for secret trade deals that hurt our economy, our environment, and our families.

Meet us April 9th to get the word out about the fast track.

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