Monday, March 23, 2015

New Gardener Classes for Low-Income Adults

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

Seed to Supper/Siembra la Cena


Learn to grow your own food during a five-session introduction to gardening course offered by Marion-Polk Food Share, the Salem-Keizer Education Foundation, and OSU Extension Master Gardeners. The program highlights practical, low-cost gardening techniques for building, planning, planting, maintaining, and harvesting a successful vegetable garden. This class is open to low-income adults (defined as earning an income of $1945 or less per month for one individual).



Two English Courses and Two Spanish Courses:


McKinley Elementary School, 466 McGilchrist Street SE, Salem

Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM starting March 31st

(in English, childcare and food provided)

* Filling up quickly, limited spaces still available!

Grant Community School, 725 Market Street NE, Salem

Wednesdays from 6-7:30 PM starting April 1st

(in Spanish, childcare and food provided)


Northgate Community Church, 3193 Silverton Road NE, Salem

Saturdays from 10:30-noon starting April 11th

(in Spanish, food provided)


John Knox Presbyterian Church, 452 Cummings Lane N, Keizer

Thursdays from 6-7:30 PM starting April 16th

(in English, snack provided)



Please sign up here: Click Here to Register 



For more information, contact Ingrid at 503-798-0457 or










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Marion-Polk Food Share | 1660 Salem Industrial Dr. NE | Salem | OR | 97301

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