Saturday, January 31, 2015

North State Hospital parcel could help end homelessness in Salem

Instead of a gift to a private developer, Salem could turn the North State Hospital Parcel into a  low/no-car bike and pedestrian-centered housing project to end homelessness in Salem, starting with getting all veterans off the streets and into decent housing where counseling, job training and rehabilitation services are provided and available on site.

Los Angeles to Build Housing for Veterans 
Richard A. Oppel, The New York Times 
Oppel writes: "Even as Los Angeles became home to the country's largest population of homeless military veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs for years has used much of its 387-acre tract near the city's exclusive Brentwood neighborhood for other purposes, including leasing property to a car rental agency and the laundry facilities of a major hotel chain." 

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

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