Saturday, October 18, 2014

No on 90! Link to a Great explanation of why M90 deserves another huge defeat

The very presence of Measure 90 on the ballot (after the same bad idea's crushing loss in 2008) shows why M90 is such a terrible, undemocratic idea:

M90 seeks to privatize the general election ballot for candidate offices just as a tiny handful of insanely rich guys bought a spot on the ballot for M90. In other words, 90 is about reducing the power of ordinary citizens and increasing the role of money in elections in Oregon.

Unless you want elections where your vote is reduced to choosing which of (only) two candidates spent more money -- and had more influence-buying money spent for them by private PACs and billionaires, vote NO on 90.

Why unaffiliated voters aren't treated dismally in closed primaries - HinesSight
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"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

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