Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Contrast: Virginia Mason and Salem Hospital

More Than 100 Wash. Businesses Urge State Action On Climate Change | KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest
Virginia Mason wants climate realism; Salem Hospital wants more and more parking, and more obesity and inactivity related illness and auto infrastructure, including plumping for a gigantic Bridgeasaurus Boondogglus that would help worsen inequality, which worsens public health.

More Than 100 Wash. Businesses Urge State Action On Climate Change

More than 100 Washington businesses are calling for action on climate change and urging others to join them.

Companies including Microsoft, Foss Maritime, REI and Virginia Mason Medical Center have signed an open declaration, saying climate change is real and happening and that more action is needed to address it.

They say there are economic and social costs to doing nothing, but that tackling carbon pollution is one of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century and simply "the right thing to do." They want the state legislature to adopt policies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

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