Friday, September 12, 2014

The headline alone says all you need to Know to Vote NO on 90

The Top-Two, so-called "open primary" should really be called the Privatized General Election, as the whole point is to allow wealthy donors to buy elections as cheaply as possible by eliminating all candidates but two back when a little money makes a huge difference (in the primary, before most voters pay any attention), but then make those two come crawling for corporate cash in a zero-sum face off, with all possibility of new ideas eliminated.

There can be no better design for making everything about our already-toxic politics even worse than "Top Two", a carefully focus-grouped name for what is normally called the jungle primary.

If we want an open election system, it's easy:  eliminate primaries entirely, make parties responsible for nominating their own candidate or candidates and then have a general election where all voters can rank all the candidates in order of preference, 1, 2, 3 ... And so on. The Oregon Constitution already specifically allows for preference voting, a much faster, better and cheaper system.

Oregon 'Top two' primary initiative picks up additional business contributions |
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"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

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