Thursday, August 14, 2014

Free Dental Clinics Attract Thousands of Volunteers & Millions of Patients

Free Dental Clinics Attract Thousands of Volunteers & Millions of Patients - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly
Here's another idea for the Salem 

"Billion Better Ways to Spend a Billion Bucks (than on an unnecessary Third Bridge)" list 

-- a year-round, sliding scale public dental health clinic.  

We could put it at the North Salem Hospital parcel in a repurposed structure, part of saving all those structures and turning them into productive uses, such as housing and medical clinics for people struggling to keep sheltered and fed.  Turn the unbuilt land into an urban farm food and skills growing project.

Free Dental Clinics Attract Thousands of Volunteers & Millions of Patients

Free dental services
spirit of america /

August 8, 2014; Charlotte Observer

In a 2012 report, "Dental Therapists: Expanding Care to Every Community," the Kellogg Foundation reported that "roughly 83 million Americans face barriers to dental care." Dental care is critically important to people's health and well-being but it is often either priced out of sight or just not accessible so not only are community health centers offering the services more often but also free health clinics are popping up across the United States – as here in the Carolinas


Mission of Mercy also offers free clinics in many other states including Oregon where at dawn on July 14th, there were already about 300 people lined up, some having waited for 24 hours. The first two in line were Kory Brown who needed a root canal and his wife Leslie Bowers who was hoping for a removable partial denture, to replace a dead tooth.

According to the same Kellogg report there are good financial reasons why access to dental care should be a priority issue. "In 2006, Americans made more than 330,000 trips to hospital emergency rooms primarily due to tooth pain or other preventable dental problems. These ER visits cost nearly $110 million.For states, the financial penalty is severe. A study of Medicaid enrollees found that in-patient ER treatment for dental problems cost nearly 10 times more per patient than preventive care in a dentist's office."

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

1 comment:

Laurie Dougherty said...

Good idea to put a free dental clinic on the North Campus and to repurpose existing buildings as much as possible, but rather than turn the unbuilt land into an urban farm, I'd rather see a dense mixed development there. Today at the Salem Breakfast on Bikes Blog points out that rather than building apartment and condo complexes on the outskirts of Salem where a car is needed for even the smallest errand, it makes more sense to build out the State Hospital site. This site has good transit service (as good as any on Salem anyway}. It's in easy biking distance to state offices, downtown and Lancaster stores and services. A small garden for residents would be good, but, I agree with SBoB that a dense residential neighborhood is the way to go. I would like to live in it.