Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vital Victuals Knowledge: No-Till Gardening Workshop: Saturday Nov. 2nd

This Saturday, November 2nd we are proud to host "No-Till Gardening," a 2 hour workshop presented by Elaine Smith, Marion County Master Gardener, and Marion-Polk Food Share. We will cover what no till gardening is, its advantages and how to prepare and mange no till beds in your home garden or community garden plot. The workshop will include classroom instruction and hands on activities in the garden.


No-Till Gardening

Saturday, November 2nd, 10am-12pm

Presented by Elaine Smith, Marion County Master Gardeners

MPFS Youth Farm, 999 Locust Ave. NE (Oregon School for the Deaf). Enter off Maple Ave. NE.

Sliding scale suggested donation: $5-$20, no one turned away for lack of funds.


RSVP to, 503-581-3855 x329.



Elaine's Bio:

Vegetable gardens, rototillers and spading forks have been part of my life since our half-acre plot in Virginia before I was in school.  And for years, gardening meant just plain hard work.  In my golden years, as a Master Gardener since 2008, I've discovered how much effort I could have saved over that half century by letting Nature do the 'heavy lifting'.  No-till has become my #1 tool for increasing both productivity and pleasure in my garden.





  (location is incorrect on the flyer below)

Garden Workshops 









Marion-Polk Food Share | 1660 Salem Industrial Dr. NE | Salem | OR | 97301

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