Take a gander at these great pieces, and then think about joining Friends of Marion County (see below -- FOMC is not very websavvy -- could you help with that?) and making gifts to support 1000 Friends.
Remember, all that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. Don't sit idly by and let the Sprawl Lobby rob you and your family of hundreds of millions that you'd rather spend on yourself or on providing a better community.
Click on each picture to take you to the actual page, both of which have good links from there:

Friends of Marion County generally meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month in the Salem Public Library Anderson Room. Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month. If you are interested in helping the Friends of Marion County, please E-mail: rkaye@OregonVOS.net. The Friends of Marion County does not share its mailing list with other organizations or individuals.
mailto: rkaye@oregonVOS.net
Joe Kuehn, Vice-President
mailto: kuehn20@comcast.net
mailto: susanwat@open.org
Board Members are the above officers plus:
mailto: carlamikke@yahoo.com
Laurel Hines
mailto: laurelhines@att.net
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