To join this listserv and others opposing this Bridgasaurus Boondogglus, just send me a note at gearjm (at symbol) gmail.com and request an invite to join the No3rdBridge list, so that you can participate in the campaign and be informed about the issue.
Remember, you can control for yourself how much mail you get from this list-- you can set it to send you every message as they are posted, or you can get one daily digest (containing all of that day's messages), or you can even set to "no mail" which would let you view the messages at the website but not fill your inbox.
Another thing you can do is use filters/rules to automatically move the mail you get from this list to a folder in your computer's email program. (Ask a young person how if you don't know how to tickle your mail program to do that for you.)
And don't forget to sign the petition and to share it with your friends, neighbors, and fellow taxpayers -- all throughout Marion and Polk counties (it's not just a nightmare for Salem -- we'll all be hit hard by this monster if it's not stopped).
Actually, it looks to me like you have to be logged into a gmail or other google account in order to see anything. If you click on the link for an invitation and aren't signed in, it appears to offer up pretty much a dead end.
Is it possible the settings aren't quite right to offer a "request an invitation" option?
Hmmm, this is weird. This probably gets you to the same place:
I'm not sure what to do ... Since I have a gmail account, when I go there, I can't see what someone sees if they don't have a gmail account. I'll keep digging.
Yes, looks like if you have no accounts at all with google, you have to set one up to access their services -- when you get to groups.google.com and find the No3rdBridge group, click "Sign in" to be taken to the account creation page.
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