Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another Don't-Miss Film at Salem Cinema

Speaking of runaway melting glaciers (see Salem Cinema info below), here's a letter sent to the Salem City Council and Cherriots boards today:

Salem City Council members,
Cherriots board members:

I encourage you especially to view this film, as you consider the wisdom of an $800+ million dollars commitment to business as usual and constantly increasing carbon emissions. 

Take your kids and grandkids with you.

A physicist friend reports that this film was immensely powerful and sobering.  I hope that every member of every agency with a representative on SKATS goes to see this and realizes the direct connection between our decisions today  (pursuing transportation and land-use policies that ignore the need for dramatic reductions in CO2 emissions) and the catastrophes we are experiencing and will bequeath to future generations -- which will continue to worsen if we don't change course promptly.

Chasing Ice
Friday 6:15 8:30
Saturday (*1:15) 6:15 8:30
Sunday (*12:30) (*3:15) 7:45
Monday (*12:30)(*3:15) 7:45
Tuesday 7:45
Wednesday (*5:20)
Thursday (*5:20)

(*Bargain Shows)

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