Wednesday, January 18, 9:30-a.m.-12:30 p.m., $5.00
Join instructor Michelle Priddy for a comprehensive class in good nutrition, smart meal planning, food storage and preservation, and some basic cooking skills that will help you stretch your food dollar to the max. The $5.00 class fee includes class handouts and a simple chicken soup and bread lunch. Michelle’s START CHART recipe booklet, a handy guide to creating your own recipes using what you have on hand, will be available to order for an additional $10.00 fee. Class limited to ten.
Register through Friday, January 13 by calling Kat Daniel at Marion-Polk Food Share, 503-581-3855, ext. 322.DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS MEALS ON A SHOESTRING
Tuesday, January 24, 1:00-2:30 p.m., $5.00
Kitchen Angels Penny Strand and Janet Rogers are developing a series of classes that will focus on healthy, seasonal foods that can be prepared easily and economically by busy cooks. In this first class Penny and Janet will be demonstrating a recipe for Glazed Roasted Root Vegetables as a main dish in a vegetarian menu or a side dish in a menu that includes a protein source. The $5.00 class fee includes suggested menus, recipe handouts, and a sample taste of the featured dish. Class limit 12.
Register by calling Kat Daniel at Marion-Polk Food Share, 503-581-3855, no later than Friday, January 20.
For further information, visit us on the Web at
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