Second Annual
KMUZ 88.5 Backyard Bash Fundraiser
Local/regional surprises and, straight from Austin, Texas… award winning
Dinner by Marc and Concert; Only $25 -- dinner and show (advance purchase advised)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Garden opens 4:00 – Music 5 - 8 p.m.
A word from the host:
You have all told me how much fun the Backyard Bash is, and this last minute opportunity to create one opened up when I started listening to Betty Soo’s wonderful songwriting and delivery.
Her schedule allowed one date to have a show, and I thought I’d create an event, not just so Salem could get introduced to another fantastic songwriter, but also to raise money for KMUZ 88.5 Community radio, a unique resource that could help change the face of Salem in terms of both entertainment and public affairs!
The station is in its home stretch of fundraising to get a signal on the air by August 2011, and I think once they are on the air, everyone will see what a fantastic opportunity it is to share, promote, and create community over the airwaves, available to all, run by who care. Everyone, including Betty Soo involved with this event is kicking in something back to KMUZ, so join the community and thank Betty for taking less so that more can go to getting KMUZ on the air!!
Betty Soo is a rarity indeed. This second generation Korean-American born with a classic Southern name has taken it to heart and is turning heads and rising to the top of that amazing musical treasure trove that is Austin, winning songwriting awards in places like Kerrville New Folk, Wildflower Festival, and the Chautauqua Big Top songwriter of the year.
Her vocals are clear, pure, and artfully explore many of life’s questions and experiences. Sometimes there are no answers, but there sure are feelings and Betty Soo will bring you to that “ah ha!” moment over and over again, finding yourself thinking, “yes, I was there once.. “ or “I wondered the same thing about my last partner..." (hah!). She takes a look at what makes us tick, both in self discovery and in relationships, and presents her poetry in many accessible forms. She can alternatively rock it, have a bit of twang, deliver a sensitive emotional ballad, or create an edgy almost gritty atmosphere.. That her last album, “Heat, Sin, Water, Skin” was produced by Austin icon Gurf Morlix (Lucinda Williams, etc) speaks volumes. I think she will surprise and delight us all, and I am simply tickled that we will have a chance to hear her amongst the sunflowers, zinnia, allysum, cosmos, leeks and that from-scratch home cookin’ that Marc and some other chefs will dream up for you!!
“Singer/songwriter BettySoo adds sweat-stained confidence to "Heat Sin Water Skin." You’re quickly reminded of the old “book jacket judgment” cliché when you first encounter BettySoo. The petite Korean-American erases any preconceptions the moment she opens her mouth. Her voice is big and expressionistic, sauntering across country-folk arrangements with beauty and wisdom that’s often breathtaking… she explores an earthy, sweat-stained style that recalls onetime Morlix protégé Lucinda Williams. The songs are accompanied by a raw, soul-baring honesty that’s quickly becoming BettySoo’s trademark.” – Chris Parker, Oklahoma Gazette
“If ‘Never the Pretty Girl’ isn’t already an anthem, it should be … Betty Soo isn’t likely to stay confined to a musical style. You can hear sprinklings of blues, soul, gospel and country topping her clear, melodic compositions. She’s already dispelled a few stereotypes. She might as well keep going.” - Mario Tarradell, Dallas Morning News.
“On her 2009 album Heat Sin Water Skin, Austin singer-songwriter Betty Soo has crafted beautiful, heart-wrenching songs that are also edgy and unwavering. That compelling voice sometimes comes as a surprise to Soo’s audiences. On stage, they see a tiny, five-foot frame from which emerges some powerful singing that’s gotten her comparisons to Joan Baez and Ruthie Foster. - Laurie Gallardo, Texas Music Matters.
“I first became privy to BettySoo at the Folk Alliance conference back in 2008, but her recent release Heat Sin Water Skin has been taking great strides to earn her air time on ever more speakers. Considering the amount of attention and praise the disc has earned for this Austin, Tex.-based singer-songwriter, she's likely to be a force in 2010.” - Kim Ruehl, About.com
Folkmusic (#2, Up-and-coming Folk and Americana Artists to Watch in 2010)
“… almost instantly, I was captivated by the voice and accompanying music emitting from my speakers. “Who was this woman?” … I was done for. She had lured me into her clutches with her silky smooth and seductive voice on the very first track, “Never Knew No Love” ... Great lyrics sung by a great vocalist accompanied by great musicians… You can tell after listening to this record that there was a lot of heart and soul poured into the production values. It shows on every track and why wouldn’t it? Gurf Morlix wasn’t just one of the musicians on the record, he also produced it… He takes it to a completely new level… he may have believed in this record almost as much as the artist…This is truly a great record… - Rod Ames, No Depression, the Roots Music Authority
Please join me for an afternoon of great food, community, and ACOUSTIC MAGIC!:
Who: Betty Soo and some LOCALS! – original contemporary music played with passion and beauty.
When: Saturday, August 28 Garden Opens 4:00pm music 5pm-ish to 8pm-ish
Where: Salem House Concerts - 468 21st NE Salem, OR 97301
Cost: $25.00 in advance for dinner and show OR $20.00 for the show only. Same Day show tickets will be available
TICKETS: Checks/cash can be mailed (to Mark Nassar) or dropped off at the address above, or PAY PAL payments can be made to "blueman@teleport.com." Pay Pal payments must add $1.00/ticket service charge.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Marc Nassar 503-378-7704 blueman@teleport.com
BETTY SOO’s website: http://www.bettysoo.com
BETTY SOO’s music: http://bettysoo.bandcamp.com
SALEM HOUSE CONCERT WEBSITE: http://home.teleport.com/~blueman
The gourmet buffet will be available to advance ticket buyers, and to others if we have any left!!
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