This is where The River project has to go before prices become sane for Salem
That alone should disqualify the developer from any city lending under even the most casual scrutiny. Bottom line is that the developer firm is demonstrably incompetent; they conceived of and built a project that reflects nothing but real-estate-bubble thinking and a total ignorance of what the Salem market needs and wants. Ergo, the city money would be at serious risk of not being paid back, regardless of how the ethics questions against one of the developers are worked out.
Besides, from the city's point of view, the faster those guys lose the project and the lenders take it over, the better, because that's when the prices will come down and the units will be finished and filled. The units will never sell at the prices conceived of by the original developers; before buying LOVESalem HQ, we got the brochure and price list for The Rivers and The Meridian projects and I just about did a spit-take when I saw what delusions these builders had about the Salem market. Those projects simply will never pencil out at what Salem buyers are willing and able to pay, given the incomes here in this town. Hence, the only way for those projects to proceed is for the developers to take a bath and for the projects to fall into the hands of the lenders, who can and will be motivated to bring the prices down to earth. Pumping city money into them only means helping incompetent developers prolong the agony longer, while keeping the projects empty.
The real jaw-dropping aspect is that only two council members had the sense to oppose the sweetheart loan package.
Do the Mayor and the four who supported waiving the usual lending standards not recall that the entire country is flat on its back because of foolish real-estate lending? Does anyone think that Salem incomes are suddenly going to jump up enough to support $250-$300 per sq-ft condos, allowing the developer to repay loans? Jaw-dropping indeed.
If there was any merit to the developer's idea for how to proceed, there would be a line of banks and credit unions lining up to lend the $500k. But there's not. Hmmmmm, what does that tell you?
I would love to live downtown and also watch these condo developments with continuing amazement. One wonders if these developers and/or bankers ever took a drive through Salem before agreeing to these absurd projects.
In short, you're absolutely right. So long as artificial life support keeps these absurd price points in place, these buildings will remain see-through.
Obviously as a real estate agent I'm not a fan of developments failing. That said, I am totally opposed to the loan from the city. Those are luxury condos, not low income housing. I'd be more inclined to use tax payer money to help cover construction costs than cover a luxury development.
The faster the current developers admit failure, the faster those properties can be finished and put on the market at a price point that is reasonable for the location (i.e., for the income levels in Salem).
They may well have to become rental units instead, but they would still probably not be able to charge rents needed to service their construction loans -- there are simply too many units on the market (both for sale and for lease) to justify the project. Hence, someone has to take a bath. I nominate the people who were going to enjoy all the upside if there was any to be enjoyed -- the developers.
The losses they take on their mistakes is what justifies the profits they make when they do it right. To the extent they manage to convince city councilors to backstop their foolishness, they lose any credibility for their endless whining about taxes and regulations.
That should say to cover construction costs for low income housing...
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