(Here at LOVESalem, we're very proud to have played a small part in getting out that vital message. Even if some people got a garbled version that suggested that Salem Cinema was going to close in two weeks -- NOT TRUE! The whole point of rallying the community was to make sure to alert people, so that we could act to head off the disaster that it would be if the Cinema had to close.)
Maybe "gems" is the wrong metaphor though -- gems are pretty much indestructible and don't need tending. Better that we think of these places as rare and wonderful creatures then, creatures that add immeasurably to the pleasure of living here, but which also need regular care and feeding. Luckily, that's the pleasurable part -- the effort to see more movies at Salem Cinema is surely no burden.
And, speaking of exotic and wonderful creatures in Salem needing some support and offering real pleasure in return, meet Tigress Books ("Wildly Independent") -- f/k/a "Tea Party Bookshop" until the apparent connection to the Teabaggers became too much. Located at Liberty and Ferry, Tigress is a great local bookstore. Just as Salem profits immensely from having Loretta Miles and her passion for movies, JoAnne Kohler's passion for books and ideas gives Salem a unique bookstore that doesn't look or feel like any other. And, soon she'll be adding gently used books, meaning you can afford to access more of the great ideas that have appealed to other Tigress fans.
So, keep up with the movie a week, and when you want to read the stories in the great movies, drop by Tigress Books.
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