We need fast, reliable trains from Eugene to Seattle. Luckily, Oregon transportation officials are developing a plan to make that happen.
Transportation is responsible for one-third of our global warming pollution. Too many of our trips rely on dirty cars and dirty fuels to get us from home to work. Rail is critical to make transportation more climate-friendly. That's why we need you.
Tell our state officials to think big!
Right now, we have the chance to restructure out transportation system and communities in a way that will help solve the climate crisis. Unfortunately, our state transportation officials aren't thinking boldly enough.
We need to maximize train ridership, reduce car-trips and global warming emissions, and integrate fast trains and high speed rail into local communities. This will require a regional, comprehensive, goal-oriented plan.
Fast trains can provide a backbone of rail for walkable neighborhoods connected by light rail, buses and bikeways. Our future transportation network can:
- Serve the one-quarter of Oregonians who cannot drive due to age or disability.
- Save consumers thousands of dollars in car-related costs.
- Increase transportation capacity and reduce congestion.
- Reduce global warming pollution.
But we need the right plan now.
Get fast trains on track! Click the link below to send a message to our state transportation officials.
And thanks, as always, for making it all possible.
Nicole Forbes
Environment Oregon Field Organizer
P.S. Feel free to share this e-mail with your friends and family.
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