Care to examine the money closely? Image by spike55151 via Flickr
A real problem is that they've got this thing set up so that you have to live in Cherriots subdistrict 3. Sad -- there's no good reason to run a transit district board by subdistricts, much less a budget committee. So even if you are the God of Accounting and are dying to volunteer, you must live in the 3rd subdistrict. Dumb.
But, be that as it may, if you do live in the 3rd subdistrict (see map) of Salem-Keizer Transit (Cherriots) and you've got some facility with figures and you want to don your green eyeshades and help keep the bus system's budgeting process on the straight and narrow, this is your chance. If you're interested or want to know more:
Contact Linda Galeazzi or see the website link below for a booklet about the budget process and expectations of the budget committee (pdf file):
Linda Galeazzi, Administrative Secretary
General Manager’s Office, Salem-Keizer Transit
(503)588-2424 ext 2328
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