The latest newsletter alone is worth the price of a low-end membership, with recipes for Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies, Zucchini Patties, Zucchini & Summer Veggie Casserole, tips on freezing zucchini, a recipe for Caprese (aka: The Essence of Summer Salad), Tomato Bruschetta, Marinated Tomato Salad, Tomato and Zucchini Fettucini, Ratatoulille, tips on freezing tomatoes, and enticing recipes for Peach Salsa, Peach French Toast with Peach-Pecan Maple Syrup, the recipe for that Peach-Pecan Maple Syrup, Peach-Blueberry Cobbler recipe and, finally, a recipe for Chilled Peaches in White Wine -- along with tips on freezing peaches! Typical of how much membership in the Friends of the Salem Saturday Market helps you enjoy this wonderful aspect of Salem's all-too-brief summer season of incredible local bounty.
And your tax-deductible contribution to this worthy 501c(3) group more than earns its way in terms of making your community better.
There's an upcoming "members only" tour of Salem's own Minto Island Growers on Sept. 26 that you can enjoy too.
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