The nice folks at Salem's own CCTV have agreed to broadcast an excellent series of shows, "Peak Moment Conversations," created and produced by two brilliant folks with lots of TV experience (so these shows are many orders of magnitude more professional -- and watchable -- than a few home-made shows you might have seen on cable-access TV before).
CCTV has provided a very nice schedule, with each program showing thrice: Fridays at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 4 p.m., and Mondays at 9 a.m., so no matter what your schedule is, one of those is bound to work for you (you may also have some sort of capability to "time shift" when you watch). There's an amazing amount of great material in these shows, which they continue to produce, so we'll probably just keep right on going.
Transition Salem sponsors this series as part of our ongoing and growing efforts to get more people involved in helping us prepare for and become more resilient in the rapidly emerging new world of peak oil/energy scarcity, carbon limits, and economic uncertainty.
Please tell your friends, co-workers, the people at church, your book group, your service club, your political friends, etc. about these shows and invite them to watch. Everyone who is concerned for the state of the world and its direction can enjoy these gentle, informative and often inspiring shows. Following is a description and some of the topics that will be shown:
Peak Moment Conversations - stories of local self reliance
Tour a suburban permaculture backyard, ride an electric bike, learn about renewables, car-sharing, intentional communities, and the elephant in the peak oil living room. "Peak Moment: Community Responses for a Changing Energy Future" showcases individuals and groups building resilient, local self-reliant communities responding to a collapsing economy, and accelerating energy and climate decline. The half-hour programs feature host Janaia Donaldson's in-studio conversations, field tours, and occasional presentation excerpts.This program may not be about your specific community, but it's about everybody's communities in our global community. Stations and viewers tell us they love this show: it's personal, engaging, very local, inspirational, and informative.
And with the economic downturn -- it's timely. The heart of this program are stories told by people about their ideas and actions to live with a smaller footprint, to be connected to the earth and each another, to be more self-sufficient while they protect themselves and their families in the downturn.
The series (146 episodes as of June 2009) has aired for three years on about two dozen community access stations nationwide including Manhattan & Brooklyn NY, Sacramento, San Francisco, and mostly many smaller communities.
Notes to stations:
These programs are up front and personal, and production quality is quite good. It's produced by individuals in northern California with a community access TV background. Program DVDs are available for purchase at Target audience is people from teens on up: anybody who eats, drinks and breathes -- and is concerned about sustainability, humans, the economy, and life on the planet.
Frequency of Episodes: Approximately every 30 days
Producer: Peak Moment Television
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