And the universe, never one to miss a chance at delicious irony, provides this: after Salem spends another long night debating the terrors of letting residents keep a few hens, this morning's mail provides this warning about a proposed gravel quarry, the "White Cloud Quarry," that will wreak havoc in South Salem.
I am writing to you from Friends of Marion County.Note that the website organized by the neighbors whose lives will be devastated by this monstrosity warns that you need to be at the meeting by 4:00 p.m. to sign in to speak.
If you are so inclined, you might want to come down to see what's going on at the hearing tonight to fight a huge aggregate operation which could have very negative impacts on Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge. See this link:
[We] have spent the last 5 days helping them after they called us for assistance. We (Friends of Marion County) have been working with the neighbors, Salem Audubon, and US Fish and Wildlife. . . . . This has been in the SJ and on KATU.
If you do attend, you might want to bring a sign saying something like "No Gravel Pit."
Also note that the "Senator Hearing Room" is not in the Marion County Courthouse but in the building called "Courthouse Square," across Court St. from the Courthouse (the one where Cherriots transit mall is).
Who owns White Cloud Quarry? What company or people?
From the SJ story in the Update:
"The applicant, Dr. Jerry Becker, plans to put an aggregate-mining extraction and processing facility on the site."
Don't know who Dr. Jerry is, but I bet you dollars to doughnuts he doesn't live within miles of where he wants to mine gravel.
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