Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mark your calendar: An important workshop

As times get harder, we're going to need to learn to be a lot smarter about what we do with kids who are heading down the wrong road. We can't afford more of the throw 'em away and forget 'em method of responding to juvenile offenders. Kids can do real harm, to themselves and others, but they are also (in most cases) salvageable if their behavior is dealt with intelligently and firmly. Giving kids a chance to make amends as part of their punishment is a very smart strategy.

You can visit the "Big House" here in Salem anytime to see how well the "crack the whip" model works with juvenile offenders. What we need is a model that sets firm limits but recognizes that juveniles are still making the choice about whether to give up on themselves or not -- and that society can influence the choice.

N2N is sponsoring a continuing education workshop for Victim Offender
mediators and mediators interested in Juvenile Victim Offender Mediation.
Please pass on the attached flyer to any you think may be interested.

Charles Franklin Ikard
Executive Director
Neighbor to Neighbor, Inc.
945 Columbia St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Is sponsoring
Presented by Eric Gilman, Restorative Justice Coordinator, Clark County Juvenile Court

Description: What is Restorative Justice? This workshop presents the key tenets of what it means to bring a restorative perspective to the work of juvenile justice. Restorative Justice is more than a program. We will look at the key principles and values, the language, and the basic implications of Restorative Justice and how its impact on juvenile justice is understood and practiced.

Who: Juvenile Victim Offender Mediators, Community Members, Law Enforcement, Service Agencies, etc.
When: December 5, 2008 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: North Neighborhood Resource Center, 945 Columbia St. NE, Salem, Oregon
(The location may be changed dependent upon registration)

Cost: $25.00 (Group discounts and scholarships available) Make checks payable to” Neighbor-to-Neighbor, Inc.”

Registration: Call or email Neighbor-to-Neighbor for information. Early registration appreciated.

Beverages will be provided.

Presenter Bio: Eric B. Gilman is the Restorative Justice Coordinator and Community Programs Supervisor for the Clark County Juvenile Court (Washington). In his role as RJ Coordinator Eric provides coordination for the juvenile court management team’s ongoing development and implementation of a holistic Balanced & Restorative Justice foundation for the work of the court. This endeavor has resulted in a number of highly successful programs and innovative practices. Additionally, as Community Programs Supervisor, Eric is responsible for the department’s Victim Impact Program, Restorative Community
Service Program, and its Diversion Program, which includes Community Accountability Boards.

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