Friday, June 6, 2008

Model Letter and links for you to send your own

Below is a great letter written by a concerned Salem resident. Polite, clear, and concise, this is a terrific model letter.

Dear Mayor Taylor,

I’m writing today to tell you that as a Salem resident I oppose the building of a third bridge across the Willamette River in Salem. I encourage local and state government to devote the time and energy needed to develop viable no-build or low-build options.

I have three areas of concern regarding another bridge crossing:

1) Need
Although the morning and the evening commute are crowded and can be lengthy, the current downtown bridges serve the bulk of the day’s traffic without problem or delay. Three busy hours each day out of a total of twenty-four hours does not mandate an immediate or costly solution. Flex time, mass transit, and other strategic urban development could help immensely. The proposed renovation of the old train trestle including a bike path and roadway for emergency vehicles will address needed safety issues.

2) Quality of Life
Rising oil prices, our nation’s call for energy independence, and the growing alarm concerning global warming seem in direct opposition to the building of a third river crossing in response to heavy traffic. America’s future looks different than its past. Our traffic solutions need to be different than those used in the decades behind us.

3) Cost

$670,000,000 is a very expensive price tag for another bridge crossing, particularly one that solves a small current problem but may cause even larger problems in the future. I believe money would be more wisely used if dedicated toward local issues of poverty, education, health services, neighborhood redevelopment, or needed social services. While I could support a bond measure to maintain current roadways, I do not wish to fund a single expenditure of this size. Such funds should benefit a broad number of Salem citizens rather that just those who use the bridge during a standard daily commute.

Respectfully submitted,

CC: City Councilors Chuck Bennett, Laura Tesler, Brad Nanke, TJ Sullivan, Kate Tarter, Bruce Rogers, Brent DeHart, Dan Clem.
Your Neighborhood Association
Salem River Crossing Task Force
Salem River Crossing Oversight Team
Dan Fricke, ODOT Project Manager
Julie Warncke, City of Salem Deputy Project Manager
Gail Ackerman Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission
Governor Kulongoski
Congresswoman Darlene Hooley

Now send your own letter about the Salem River Crossing proposal and let your voice be heard!

Honorable Janet Taylor. Mayor of Salem
555 Liberty Street SE, Room 220
Salem, OR 97301

City Councilors Chuck Bennett, Laura Tesler, Brad Nanke, TJ Sullivan, Kate Tarter, Bruce Rogers, Bob Cannon, and Dan Clem.
Mayor/City Manager's Office
555 Liberty St SE, Room 220
Salem, OR 97301

► Salem Neighborhood Associations (Listing here)

Salem River Crossing Task Force & Oversight Team
c/o Dan Fricke
455 Airport Road SE, Building B
Salem, OR 97301-5395

Dan Fricke, ODOT Project Manager
455 Airport Road SE, Building B
Salem, OR 97301-5395

Julie Warncke, City of Salem Deputy Project Manager
555 Liberty Street SE, Room 325
Salem, OR 97301-3503

Gail Ackerman, Oregon Transportation Commission Chair
355 Capitol St. NE, Rm 135
Salem, OR 97301

► Governor: Honorable Theodore Kulongoski
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047

► 5th District Representative:

Congresswoman Darlene Hooley
315 Mission Street SE #101
Salem, Oregon 97302
(scroll to bottom of page- click on ‘Email Darlene’)

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