Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
WORD from Sarah Silverman
She is momentarily saddened. "I look at Trump and the billionaire oligarchs he surrounds himself with as addicts. I do believe they are addicted to wealth, and that wealth addiction is no different from crack addiction. It fills an empty void. They will sell their grandmothers. They're literally selling our entire country's health for more. I remember Garry Shandling saying in 2007 that when we put people in office who are addicted to money and power, we might as well be giving a bunch of cokeheads a mountain of cocaine and saying: 'Divide this equally among your people.' I see it proven true every day. And we've raised an entire generation to worship money at any cost, no matter how it's made."
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
A real must-read: I Was A Racist Cop
Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay
Monday, October 23, 2017
"Naked Darrow" Play — Salem Library Loucks Auditorium - Wed Nov 15th
Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
"Naked Darrow" play
Salem Library's Loucks Auditorium
6:30PM on Wednesday, November 15th
Contact for EVENT info: Ron Steiner (503) 990-7060
Media Interviews: playwright/actor Gary Anderson (406) 925-0718
"Naked Darrow," a one man play by nationally renowned Darrow portrayer Gary L. Anderson, is coming to Loucks Auditorium at the Salem Library. This recent NYC Off-Broadway production is produced by the Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (OADP) and the Clarence Darrow Foundation. Naked Darrow is a provocative look at our most hated and revered attorney, Clarence Darrow, as his great mind slips away.
The performance will take place at 6:30PM on Wednesday November 15th.
Darrow was best known for defending killers Leopold and Loeb and for defending science teacher John Scopes in the Scopes Monkey Trial. In this show, Darrow reveals his very private life, his trials, his personal demons and his jury-tampering charges. Personally, reckless and professionally fearless, Darrow now stubbornly faces his two greatest opponents: disease and death. Knowing the odds were against him to the end, he remained Clarence Darrow... an American Iconoclast.
Gary L. Anderson is the country's most lauded portrayer of Clarence Darrow, with his work characterized in newspapers across the country as "Anderson's Darrow is in the same league as Holbrook's Mark Twain." He is the CEO of the Clarence Darrow Foundation, and a member of the Screen Actors Guild. An award-winning stage actor, he has appeared in several television series and as Clarence Darrow in the documentary, Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century airing annually on PBS.
Tickets are available in advance for $20 by calling (503) 990-7060 or the button below:
"Naked Darrow"
With Gary L. Anderson
Loucks Auditorium, Salem Library
585 Liberty St SE, Salem OR 97301
Wednesday, November 15th
6:30 PM
Co-Sponsors are:
John Gear Law Office: LLC, A Values-Based Law Practice
The Honorable Paul.J. DeMuniz, former Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice.
Salem Area Fellowship of Reconciliation: Working for peace and justice through non-violence.
National Lawyers Guild, Human rights over property interests.
PO Box 2765, Salem, OR 97308
Phone: (503) 990-7060
Email: info@oadp.org
Website: oadp.org
Help Us Repeal the Death Penalty in Oregon!
The mission of Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (OADP) is to repeal the death penalty in Oregon as an essential step toward a more cost-effective, humane and restorative response to violent crime, and thus toward safer, more peaceful and just communities.
OADP is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
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Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
PO Box 2765
Salem, OR 97308
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Saturday, October 7, 2017
What the gunhumpers will support
"I don't want to see that kid dead any more than you do," Stokes said. "If there was a magic fix, I promise you I would support it."
Friday, September 29, 2017
Columbus Builds on Free Bus Pass Pilot

In an effort to boost bus ridership, cut down on solo driving and ease parking woes downtown, the city of Columbus, Ohio, is trying out a tactic that's worked well for streetcar operators: allow passengers to ride for free. The zero-cost rides will go to as many as 45,000 downtown workers and residents in the form of free COTA passes next year (allowing them to access the services of the Central Ohio Transit Authority), the Columbus Dispatch reports.
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The program was proposed earlier this year in the face of a parking shortage so severe many downtown commercial buildings were unable to lease space. It drew from a pilot program in which the Capital Crossroads Special Improvement District (CCSID) gave free passes to nearly 1000 workers between June of 2015 and January of 2017. The results, Josh Cohen wrote for Next City in March, were encouraging — bus ridership among participants rose from 6.4 percent to 12.2 percent. That was especially good because citywide, only 3.6 percent of commuters take transit while 79 percent drive alone.
According to the Dispatch, the plan will be funded in part by property owners within a Special Improvement District downtown, who have committed about $1.3 million. They'll come up with the funds by charging themselves an additional 3 cents per square foot of property.
"This has never been done in the United States with this funding mechanism," COTA chief financial officer Jeffrey Vosler told the transit agency's board on Wednesday.
Other funding sources will likely include about $750,000 in revenue from bus passes bought by employers inside the district for their employees who work outside the district; $1 million from local businesses; $1.5 million from grants; about $3 million from the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission; and about $1 million in corporate donations.
As Cohen wrote in March, the program will be more akin to employer subsidized transit than systemwide free rides. Free bus service has been tried by a number of other cities, including Trenton, New Jersey, Denver and Austin, with mixed results.
Original Article: https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/columbus-free-bus-pass-pilot-permanent
Friday, September 22, 2017
Don't miss Annapurna at The Verona Studio (in Reed Opera House) --
Saturday, September 16, 2017
How Reading Rewires Your Brain for More Intelligence and Empathy | Big Think
"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay"
Oregon Public Empowerment News (OregonPEN.org)
Monday, September 4, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Outstanding -- CONFOUNDS THE SCIENCE (Parody of Sound of Silence) - Parody Project
Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay
Monday, August 28, 2017
Beverlicious🔥 on Twitter: "Things I never said as a kid: My book stopped working."
"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay"
Oregon Public Empowerment News (OregonPEN.org)
Sunday, August 27, 2017
The Absent Driver
"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay"
Oregon Public Empowerment News (OregonPEN.org)
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Just another part of the circus -- Trump locks America into its forever war - The Washington Post
In expressing support for Trump's open-ended commitment, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) used the tired old saying that the United States has the watches, but the Taliban has the time. "If they believe that we have some end date, some timetable, then they will wait us out," he said. But this fundamentally misunderstands the nature of this type of overseas struggle. The Taliban will wait us out for a very simple reason: They live there.
Harry Summers, a wise army officer in the Vietnam War who went on to write a definitive book on that conflict's military lessons, "On Strategy," opened the book by recounting an exchange he had with a North Vietnamese officer in 1975, just before Saigon fell. "You know you never defeated us on the battlefield," Summers said. The officer replied, "That may be so, but it is also irrelevant." Every local force knows one thing in its bones: Eventually, the foreigners have to go home.
Friday, August 25, 2017
STEP at Salem Cinema -- don't miss this enchanting movie
"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay"