Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mark your Calendar and Spread the Word!

  • Loucks Auditorium (City Hall) (map)
  • 645 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR
Charles Marohn will lead a Curbside Chat presentation in Salem, OR, sponsored by

John Gear Law,
Oregon PEN,
Cherriots (Salem-Keizer Transit),
Salem CityWatch and
Salem Community Vision.

The Curbside Chat is a presentation followed by a community-specific discussion about the financial health of our places.
  • Why are our cities and towns so short of resources despite decades of robust growth?
  • Why do we struggle at the local level just to maintain our basic infrastructure?
  • What do we do now that the economy has changed so dramatically?
The answers lie in the way we have developed; the financial productivity of our places.

This stunning presentation is a game-changer for communities looking to grow more resilient and obtain true prosperity during changing times. This presentation is free and open to the public.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

It's time to stop wasting money on the Boondogglus Bridgeasaurus and start spending the savings on preparing for The Big One

A Major Pacific Northwest Quake Looks Even Likelier, Thanks to Underwater Landslide Evidence - The Atlantic


We have real work to do to secure the infrastructure we have now against the quake we know is likely.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Come to City Hall Next Monday Night, 8 August to Oppose Foolish UGB Expansion

The Sprawl Lobby is trying to beat that dead dinosaur of a 3rd Bridge proposal ($60,000 a month blown since 2006!) and now the scheme is to ignore the state's land use goals by expanding the Salem Urban Growth Boundary in Polk County, something we will be waiting to take to the State Land Use Board of Appeals to reverse.

But it would be a lot cheaper if everyone would just come to City Hall and help us deliver a simple message to the Council next Monday evening, August 8th: