Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Earth Ovens Workshop - Corvallis

Hey!  We are hosting a workshop with local artists and authors Kiko Denzer and Hannah Field (they wrote Build Your Own Earth Oven; Kiko has built ovens for several local businesses, including Gathering Together Farm, The Blue Goat in Amity, Fireworks Restaurant, and most recently, Queen Bee Apiaries). They will guide us in building a wood-fired EARTH OVEN and using it for cooking everything -- especially NATURALLY LEAVENED WHOLE GRAIN BREADS (you'll get starter to take home, as well as a copy of the book).  


DATES: Saturday and Sunday. August 16-17


LOCATION: 770 SW LOOKOUT DRIVE CORVALLIS, OR 97333, home of Bo and Diane - aka Diane's urban farm retreat.


PRICE: Because this is a local workshop for the instructors, and part of a gift exchange, we're able to offer it for only $80.

FOOD: Bring a lunch or have us prepare one for you ($10/day). We'll host a potluck supperon Saturday night if folks are interested. 


ACCOMMODATION: For those traveling from out of town, there are rooms available for overnight stay - $60 per night.  Please see for more information.

MORE INFO: See the attached flyer, and Kiko's website and bookpage  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call!  (541 753 0762)


There are a limited number of spaces.  To reserve your spot,  please send full payment to :

Diane Arney

770 SW Lookout Drive

Corvallis OR 97333

The high cost of delay | Opinion | The Register-Guard

The high cost of delay | Opinion | The Register-Guard | Eugene, Oregon
(Meanwhile, Salem and the Chamber of the 1%'s pet lapdog newspaper continue pushing a $400 to $800 million auto bridge boondoggle to promote more sprawl. Fascinating to see two cities 75 miles and maybe 60 years apart, with Salem continuing to pretend it is 1954 rather than 2014.)

The high cost of delay

Just one day after the Eugene City Council on Monday approved a landmark climate ordinance, the White House issued a report that underscores the importance of policymakers at the national, state and local levels acting to rein in greenhouse gas emissions. . . .

The report estimates the cost of mitigating the effects of climate change could rise by as much as 40 percent if action to reduce emissions is delayed 10 years. Such an increase would outweigh any potential savings of the delay urged by most Republicans and some Democrats, who argue that strong action now on climate change would hurt the economy and cost jobs.

Eugene's ordinance seeks to cut communitywide fossil fuel use by 50 percent by 2030, and it calls for city government operations to be entirely "carbon neutral" by 2020. It requires city officials to prepare detailed plans for achieving the emissions reductions, and mandates progress reviews and status reports. And it binds future councils and city managers to pursue the emissions-reduction goals.

By approving the ordinance, the city has committed itself to a sustained course of action to confront climate change. It has, to borrow an old Irish expression, "tossed its cap over the wall," leaving it with no legal choice but to find a way to get to the other side to retrieve it. . . .

On Monday, Eugene showed the way for other U.S. cities and local governments by turning those aspirational climate goals into law. It did so because council members understood, as the new federal report says, that postponing carbon cuts will ultimately lead to higher costs, both in terms of climate-related impacts and in more expensive emissions reductions.

The council also acted because it was the right thing to do. "Fighting climate change is one of the important and defining issues of our time," Councilor Alan Zelenka said Monday night. "Fortunately, Eugeneans get it."

Eugene Leads, Salem Lags

The longer we wait to begin, the more painful the changes will be.  

But not as painful as the costs of failing to act.  Nature bats last, and she doesn't take excuses or rationalizing; only actions count with her.

The Eugene City Council voted Monday to put some teeth into previously approved goals to reduce the city's fossil fuel use and carbon emissions, seeking to cut communitywide fossil fuel use by 50 percent by 2030, compared with 2010 usage.
Eugene Register Guard, July 30

Want Clean Air and Water, Safe Food and Cars? If so, Defend Public Protections

 If You Want Clean Air and Water, Safe Food and Cars, Defend Public Protections

 "Katherine McFate, Center for Effective Government" <>

July 30, 2014

The air we breathe. The water we drink. The food we eat. The cars we drive. Most of us don't give a second thought to the basic components of our day-to-day lives, and we just assume they're safe. And we usually can.

Over the past century, America has developed a system of standards and safeguards and protected its people from a variety of public health, safety, and environmental hazards. These standards have improved our nation's quality of life and public confidence in American products and businesses.

Today, we released a new study, The Benefits of Public Protections: Ten Rules That Save Lives and Protect the Environment. It examines ten proposed or adopted federal standards from agencies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In almost all cases, the benefits of the rules, when converted to dollars and cents, outweighed their costs.

Combined these ten rules:

  • Save 10,000 American lives annually
  • Prevent 300,000 cases of disease, illness, and injury every year
  • Create net economic benefits of between $46 billion to $122 billion each year

Rulemaking is the way our democracy balances the public's interest in safety and well-being with private industry's priority of maximizing profits. It's about ensuring that we all breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat safe food, and travel in safety. It's about improving and protecting American living standards.

Check out the study on our website, then let your elected officials know how important public protections are to you, your family, and your community.

Thank you for being an active, engaged citizen.

Warm regards,
Katherine McFate signature
Katherine McFate
President and CEO

P.S. Please consider supporting our work by making a gift to the Center for Effective Government today through our website. Your support makes a difference!



Combined Federal Campaign #10201

Visit Our Affiliated Web Sites

Monday, July 28, 2014

Finish line photo: Scenic Shore 150

Here at LoveSalemHQ we sold "Margarita" the tandem recumbent to a father who wanted to take his daughter with blood cancer on the leukemia fundraising ride in Wisconsin. Thanks to his mechanical engineering skills, he was able to turn that huge bike into a travel model. Awesome!

> Thought you would be interested in this photo. It is the finish line of our 150 mile fund raising ride. Thanks for taking the extra effort at the sale time in selling the bike to us.
> Dan

We need millions for this: Grey to Green: Creating “Cool” Cities Symposium Report

This is one of the future-proofing/resiliency ideas that we should be pouring our scarce resources into, instead of into CH2M-Hill and the Sprawl Lobby's already-overflowing pockets. NOT the Bridgasaurus, in other words.

The one thing that is needed is to get the urban forestry people to start talking to OSU, and Salem Harvest and the Food Share about how we can take action NOW to make our urban forests into food forests as well. Instead of a No Place, Salem can lead in something positive for a change -- getting rid of ornamental cherry trees, planting real ones! And apples, plums, pears, and figs, and Asian pears, and walnuts. 

We need a robust partnership (public/nonprofit) spray and pruning operation that ensures that every fruit and nut tree in Salem is maintained and harvested, and that neighborhoods are given the tools and guidance to help them. 

There is this absurd idea that we need only ornamental trees, and that fruit and nut trees should be shunned in the city ... Where the most hungry people are.

This is insane. We have countless acres of good land wasted in parking strips and grassed areas already provided with water.  There's a school serving every part of the city.  Wherever there is a school, there is an opportunity for a whole engaging curriculum core based on getting kids to help monitor and care for food trees, and to connect the community to the schools, and we are sure as hell going to need the food.

Grey to Green: Creating "Cool" Cities Symposium Wrap-Up

Dallas, TX (July 21, 2014) — The cities where we live are heating up, but trees and green infrastructure can help them stay cool. In late May, the Texas Trees Foundation hosted a regional conference, Grey to Green: Creating "Cool" Cities. They've just released a wrap-up report from the symposium which featured keynote speaker Dr. Brian Stone, an expert on urban environmental planning at the Georgia Tech.

What makes a cool city? Green infrastructure, sustainable design, art, music, trails, walkability, greenways, complete streets, parks, open space, and really cool people.

Over 100 people gathered at the Dallas Museum of Art to hear keynote speaker Dr. Brian Stone, Jr., associate professor in the School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology and author of The City and the Coming Climate: Climate Change in the Places We Live.

Other speakers included David Hitchcock of the Houston Area Research Center, Dr. Robert Haley with UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Matt Grubisich, and urban forester with Texas Trees Foundation. All addressed the urgent need to manage urban heat and the role of trees and green infrastructure.

Managing urban heat in an increasingly hot and dry climate, such as Texas, is necessary to protect public health, infrastructure, the economy and quality of life. This makes trees and green infrastructure a priority.

The symposium report, "Grey to Green: Creating Cool Cities," is available online for download at

Friday, July 25, 2014

Notable Quotes (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)

"Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life. . . . I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping-stone just right, you won't have to die. The truth is that you will die anyway and that a lot of people who are not even looking at their feet are going to do a whole lot better than you and have a lot more fun while doing it. . . . 

Perfectionism means that you try desperately not to leave so much mess to clean up. But clutter and mess show us that life is being lived. "

—Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird, p. 28

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Needed in Salem "Housing First” Helps Keep Ex-Inmates Off the Streets (and Out of Prison)

"Housing First" Helps Keep Ex-Inmates Off the Streets (and Out of Prison)
// Next City Daily

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Many of the roughly 10,000 inmates who exit U.S. prisons each week following incarceration face an immediate critical question: Where will I live? While precise numbers are hard to come by, research suggests that, on average, about 10 percent of parolees are homeless immediately following their release. In large urban areas, and among those addicted to drugs, the number is even higher — exceeding 30 percent.

"Without a safe and stable place to live where they can focus on improving themselves and securing their future, all of their energy is focused on the immediate need to survive the streets," says Faith Lutze, criminal justice professor at Washington State University. "Being homeless makes it hard to move forward or to find the social support from others necessary to be successful."

Although education, employment, and treatment for drug and mental health issues all play a role in successful reintegration, these factors have little hope in the absence of stable housing. Yet, few leaving prison have the three months' rent typically required to get an apartment. Even if they did, landlords are given wide latitude in denying leases to people with a criminal record in many states. Further, policies enacted under the Clinton administration continue to deny public housing benefits to thousands of convicted felons — the majority of whom were rounded up for non-violent offenses during the decades-long War on Drugs. Some are barred for life from ever receiving federal housing support.

As a result, tens of thousands of inmates a year trade life in a cell for life on the street. According to Lutze, with each passing day, the likelihood that these people will reoffend or abscond on their parole increases considerably.

Lutze and a team of researchers recently completed a comprehensive assessment of a Washington State program that aims to reduce recidivism by providing high-risk offenders with 12 months of housing support when they are released from prison.

The study tracked 208 participants in three counties and found statistically significant reductions in new offenses and readmission to prison. It also found lower levels of parole revocations among participants.

While housing is the immediate goal of the program, the Re-Entry Housing Pilot Program (RHPP) operates in concert with the Department of Corrections' Community Justice Centers to provide a range of reentry support services.

Participants live in heavily subsidized apartments, often with roommates, and are required to engage in treatment, secure employment and work toward self-sustainability.

Lutze says stable housing not only reduces violations of public order laws related to living and working on the street, but it increases exposure to pro-social networks and provides a sense of safety and well-being conducive to participating in treatment and other services.

That not only improves community safety, she says, but it "reduces the economic and human costs of ex-offenders cycling through our jails and prisons just because they do not have a safe place to live."

While this seems like a common sense strategy, programs that place housing at the forefront of prisoner reentry are actually relatively scarce in the U.S., and have historically been driven by a handful of pioneering non-profits.

Since the 1990s, the New York-based Fortune Society has graduated hundreds of ex-offenders from its transitional housing facility in West Harlem, known as "The Castle." The program has been so successful — with recidivism rates as low as one percent — that the group received city support to open a second facility, Castle Gardens, in 2010. A similar program run by the Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco, offers housing and support services to drug addicts, many of them ex-offenders, in six cities.

For all their success, access to these programs is limited, and demand regularly exceeds supply. But governments are starting to catch on.

As part of its Returning Home Initiative, New York's Corporation for Supportive Housing joined with the Department of Corrections and several city agencies to launch the Frequent User Service Enhancement (FUSE) program, which provides apartments to roughly 200 homeless people who had both four jail and four shelter stays over the previous five years.

By limiting trips to jails and shelters, the program generated savings of $15,000 per individual according to a two-year evaluation of the program released in March.

The program is now being replicated in nearly a dozen other cities, including Washington D.C. and Chicago, with a number of other cities in the planning stages.

If its past performance is any metric, in the coming years, FUSE is likely to help thousands of inmates across the country establish roots in the community, stay off the street and, ultimately, keep from going back to prison.

A eulogy for my father, Yehuda Nir (1930-2014)—Holocaust survivor and beacon of hope

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Awesome goodness: The Gratuitous Injustice of American Tipping Culture

Don't buy Whirlpool-made anything

With US makers having already made the Energy Star program as weak as can be (other nations require makers to keep upgrading efficiency year after year to meet the standards set by the best to maintain a special status such as Energy Star), now makers like Whirlpool want to avoid being called to account for misrepresentations anyway.

Whirlpool seeks ban on class-action suits tied to Energy Star program.

The New York Times (7/21, Wald, Subscription Publication, 9.79M) reports that Whirlpool, a leading manufacturer of home appliances, is lobbying Congress to ban consumer lawsuits that claim its "Energy Star" labeled products fail to deliver promised energy efficiency. The proposed bill comes after government testing "showed that scores of consumer products carrying the Energy Star label did not deserve the listing." The Times adds that Whirlpool "is threatening to withdraw from Energy Star, an Environmental Protection Agency program, unless it gets its way," but notes that and Energy Star distinction may boost a product's desirability, adding that "an E.P.A. survey found that the Energy Star logo was influential among 91 percent of consumers." The bill, introduced by Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH), whose district is "home to several Whirlpool factories," would "prohibit class-action lawsuits if the E.P.A. came up with a remedy, like reimbursing consumers, for products that did not live up to their billing." The Times reports that Shannon Baker-Branstetter of Consumers Union, the organization that publishes Consumer Reports, disagreed. "E.P.A. and D.O.E. can't be out there all the time," she said. "Consumers need that backstop of the courts to get redress." The Times also quoted a spokeswoman for the American Association for Justice, who said, "By eliminating consumers' access to the civil justice system, corporations will not be held accountable in court for swindling customers."

Friday, July 18, 2014

What our transportation agencies, city officials, and planners ought to be doing instead . . .

. . . Of building more of the same.  Since Cherriots is going broke and cutting services, the time is now -- we need to build a supple, augmented, 24/7 system of fixed-route buses integrated with tools that support walking, biking, carpooling, jitneys, and shared use of private motor vehicles.

Over in Helsinki, Finland, the local government has announced a bold transportation venture that every Sightline employee can cheer. By 2025, the government aims to integrate shared and public transit into a single network, and the end goal would be to make car-ownership wholly unnecessary.

Why the modern bathroom is a wasteful, unhealthy design | Life and style |

Open primary = final step in total corporate takeover of elections

The "open" primary -- brought to you by the very same people who have made politics so toxic and so soul-sucking -- should really be called "closed general elections, only corporate favorites need apply."  This is like the guy who sells tires throwing tacks and nails all over the road -  causing the problem and then hoping to profit off the fix.

To see how stupid this is, think about this:

Why don't we Ask the makers of Bud Light and Miller Lite if stores should be allowed to offer all those off brands of craft beers, or if they should be forced to poll their cities and then only stock the two most popular brands (as determined mainly by people who don't much like beer and who never try anything but the big brands)?

Of course the big two breweries will love it if each store could only stock the top two brands as  determined in a poll of mainly apathetic folks who really don't care enough about beer to have a distinct preference.  Yup, the two "Love in a Canoe" brands would think its a great idea -- after all, their heavily advertised brands of swill seems fine in comparison to the other, and each one starts with billions of dollars of preformed advertising advantages that ensure that they will always be in the top two, no matter how insipid the product. And if they could outlaw craft brewing entirely, they would.

And both would really prefer not to have to compete against distinctive brands that stand out and offer a memorable flavor or mix of unexpected tastes.

That's exactly what the so-called "open primary," does -- it opens the door to complete corporate takeover of all elections, and it lets their servants in the two big parties completely hardware themselves into power, protected from any meaningful competition forever, while letting the rich have even more control of the result than they already do.

If you want to make sure all voters have the same say in determining who gets into office, the obvious way to do it in Oregon is to take advantage of our state constitution, which already allows ranked choice voting (called preference voting). Instead of a primary and a general, paying for two elections to do the work of one, let's just have a single election round in the general election, with each party's nominee on the ballot.  We would let voters rank their preferences 1, 2, 3, and so on. Then all voters get the same power when it counts, and the members of each party can pick their candidates.

Tim Nesbitt: Open primary would be a game changer for Oregon politics
// Politics & Elections

By Tim Nesbitt"Game changer" is an overused term in politics. But a ballot measure that changes the way our elections are organized certainly deserves that billing. And the one that just qualified for the Oregon ballot in November may change...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Librarians leading

Subject: In Balance Newsletter: New American Dream Poll, CommunityShare Workshops, Eugene's Sharing Revolution, and more

Maryland Librarians Say "Yes!" to More Sharing

From seed libraries, to produce swapping, to time banks, how Maryland librarians are leading the way in flipping the traditional notion of a "library" on its head.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Paul Krugman on reducing the number of cars needed

Krugman's blog, 7/15/14 | Marion in Savannah
This is what SKATS and ODOT should be working on for Salem -- how to recapture all the wasted value we squander building infrastructure for 2-3000# vehicles that haul 200# loads around in the 3% of time they aren't sitting around depreciating.

The second post yesterday was "Life Without Cars:"

I've been following some of the discussion about Uber, Lyft, and all that, and I have a few unoriginal thoughts. Well, strictly speaking they are original, in the sense that I haven't read them anywhere else — but surely they're out there. So this post is partly a bleg for references.

Anyway: the big benefit from new IT-mediated car services will come if they make it possible for lots of people — and not just people in Manhattan — to live without owning their own cars. And if you think about it, you can see how that might work.

Right now, if you live in places without exceptionally good public transportation, it's very difficult to manage without a car. Yet when you think about it, for most people owning a car is quite wasteful. It's an expensive item of equipment that sits idle most of the time; it requires parking (and often a parking structure) both at origin and at destination; it requires maintenance and is a big hassle all around.

So reliable, quick-response chauffeur services could free many people from the need to tie up all those resources in a consumer durable that they only use now and then. And from a social point of view it would avoid the need to tie up so much capital that sits unused most of the time.

There is, however, an obvious problem: rush hour. Peak car use comes twice a day, and that would seem to dictate that we have nearly as many cars as we do now even if they're supplied by the likes of Uber.

But here's where surge pricing comes in. If traveling during peak hours is more expensive than off-peak, people will have an incentive to shave off those peaks. People who aren't commuting to work will avoid travel at peak hours; some people will find other ways to travel; some people (and businesses) will rearrange their schedules to take advantage of cheaper off-peak travel. So you can imagine a society that still relies mainly on cars to get around, but manages to do this with significantly fewer cars than we need at present.

Cars aren't the only consumer durable where something like this might work, of course. People in New York don't need refrigerators (and in particular freezers) that are as big as those in the suburbs, because it's so easy to pop around the corner for groceries; online ordering and delivery could produce a similar effect outside the city. But cars are surely the big prize.

Again, I'm sure this has been worked out by someone somewhere. But I'm having fun thinking about it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Why Higher Fares Would Be Good for Public Transit

The Cherriots board all need to read this and consider it carefully.  We've made the grievous mistake of "protecting" the poor from high fares so well that they're all pretty much protected from being able to use transit at all, given the collapsed economics of the transit district. 

Once you starve the transit service enough that you aren't running on weekends or late enough to support the second shift service job workers, you force those people into the misery of needing cars they can afford, and the cars that they can afford are mostly crap sold by dealers who have, at best, a very flexible moral sensibility.  There is nothing that prevents a low wage worker from getting a leg up in life quite so effectively as a used car, with its insatiable demand for money at random moments; add the amorality of the used car market and you have a perfect recipe for bleeding people endlessly, and turning them into folks who won't support transit because they feel so burdened already.

What Salem needs most in transportation is a complete rethink of the whole enterprise, starting with the recognition that all users of roads, including public transit riders, should be funding the roadways, not the property taxes.  We need to recognize roads as a network utility just like water, sewer, and electricity, and develop methods for pricing network usage that makes the heavy (literally) users pay the most, and rewards light users with an end to subsidizing the heavy users.

Alas, getting Americans to think rationally about moving around is like getting Japanese politicians to think rationally about whaling.  In theory, it's not that hard, but the reality is that theory is a piss poor guide where deep cultural rituals are concerned, and there is no ritual more assiduously performed than American politicians and planners bowing and scraping to the idea that auto mobility is an American birthright, and that there's something vaguely suspicious about any young person who doesn't place driving in the center of life.

Portland city government is busy having its head handed to it over street fees by the populace unfamiliar with and unfriendly to the idea that there is no free lunch. In Salem, the powers that be, desperate to free up funds to promote more sprawl on the periphery, proposed on-street parking meters only in the downtown core, a partial solution that would work about as well as taking a partial course of drugs for TB: in other words, it would only make the disease worse and impossible to cure.

Some decades ago, however, Salem washed its hands of transit, fobbing the job of providing this basic essential service off on a transit district, allowing the city to get back to what it likes to do, promote sprawl development that cripples the transit district.  Worse, the politicians bowed to the Chamber of the 1% and crippled Salem's mass transit district at birth by forbidding it from levying a payroll tax, which is yet another reason Cherriots is the basket case of Oregon transit.

Payroll taxes are less than ideal, but until we have a rational network-utility model for funding roads (including by persons in transit vehicles), they're a stopgap. It's past time for Cherriots and Salem and Keizer to go to the legislature and demand a fix that allows the system to raise the revenue necessary to become a realistic option for people to rely on for the necessities of living. In that struggle, perhaps we can develop a better model that taxes neither houses nor jobs, but only road usage.
Why Higher Fares Would Be Good for Public Transit

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Voting: A Personal, Religious and Social Responsibility

Voting: A Personal, Religious and Social Responsibility

Opportunity for Salem/CERT - point-to-point radio network

CERT = Community Emergency Response Team

Since Salem's powers that be seem determined to squander millions planning the Bridgasaurus that will never be built and promoting sprawl in ways that will make emergency response nearly impossible, we don't have much to invest in real preparedness.  So maybe we need to start developing our own citizens band network, for re-establishing communications after the Big One shatters things for months.

  • Yaesu VX-8DR HT Radio ($492)
  • AC charger, earphone mic, charged extra LI-ON battery. Another good practice is to carry an alkaline battery case and spare batteries and / or a cigarette lighter plug ($28). These aren't in my current kit but probably should be, because they extend use of the radio in an emergency. Without recharging, I can currently get about 8 continuous hours of use in receive mode, but considerably less if I need to a lot of transmitting.
  • Nifty Mini-Manual — laminated quick guide to the VX-8DR for reading on the BART / bus or looking up a function (this particular radio has lots of functions, and many involve multiple key-push combinations).
  • Diamond SRH519 ($23) flexible antenna which so far has held up to a lot of abuse in my bag and allows the radio to be comfortably carried, either clipped on the bag or on the belt / waistline. I've also used the Diamond SRHF40 flexible antenna with good results.

As if the Planning Commission wasn't kowtowing to the Sprawl Lobby enough

From the estimable, invaluable Salem Breakfast on Bikes blog:

Staff recommends a change to the composition of the Planning Commission and that Council
Adopt Resolution No. 2014-51 to initiate amendments to Salem Revised Code Chapter 6 increasing from one (1) to two (2), the limit on the number of members who may be principally involved in buying, selling, or developing real estate for profit, and a limit of one (1) to two (2) the number of members who may be engaged in the same business, trade or profession as allowed under ORS 227.030.

We are in thrall!

So it's not quite that bad - the Staff Report notes that other nearby cities also have up to two real estate / developer types on their planning commissions.  But clearly this is why Council paused on appointments to the Planning Commission earlier this year and held open one spot. It's not likely a conspiracy, but it sure gives off a whiff or two of cronyism.

Straub Benefit Showing at Salem Cinema July 15th

On Tuesday evening, July 15th, Salem Cinema is thrilled to invite director
Clemens Schenk as well as Amaroq Weiss from the Center for Biological Diversity to join us for Q&A following OR7 - The Journey! 

In 1973, with only 500 wolves left In the contiguous United States, the grey wolf was added to the endangered species act, setting the species on a slow path of recovery. Now, states are fighting to have that status removed, opening the door for hunters and ranchers to once again decimate the wolf population. This fascinating documentary is about the incredible journey of OR-7, a grey wolf which was collared in Oregon and eventually dispersed from his pack. A journey that tells the story not only of OR-7, but of the wolf as a species in America. It is a journey of survival. A journey of inspiration. This is a film with two objectives: one, to document OR7's incredible journey and two, to educate the 80% of the general public which is unaware of the plight of the wolves, by clarifying the myths and misconceptions that surround these magnificent animals.

TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW during regular box office hours
or online at!  
All seats $15 * a service fee applies for online sales
no coupons, passes or Cinebucks accepted for special events

S A L E M   C I N E M A
1127 Broadway NE
Tuesday, July 15th at 7:45PM
Screening of OR7 - The Journey

followed by Q&A with Clemens Schenk & Amaroq Weiss! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

A great video about self esteem for women

This is a powerful youtube video — its about all we do to be liked by others and how we need to be proud of who we really are as people.

I sent it to my 20 year old daughter, and I hope she shares it with her friends.

Colbie Caillat — Try


For those seeking to make a real difference on the climate crisis

Community Solutions is an outstanding group, well worth your support. Buy their books and DVDs, hang their posters, contribute to their work; it's a "lifeboat" building organization.

Dear Friends,

We have hired a new Executive Director, Susan Jennings. Sharp and articulate, Susan understands the seriousness of the climate crisis and has the energy for our critical work. Susan's last position was as the Director of the Office of Campus and Community Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. While there, she became familiar with our work and attended two Community Solutions conferences, in 2007 and 2008. Susan has told us that attending these conferences greatly affected the direction of her work at the university.

According to the International Panel on Climate Change Report that was released this spring (as it is every six years), it is now clear that yesterday's climate change has become today's climate crisis. The rate of climate change is accelerating, and there is no longer sufficient time to do the research, development, and deployment that would stave off catastrophic consequences.

As a Plan C organization, we bear the burden of proof. People want to believe that wind, solar, electric cars, and carbon sequestration will support our current lifestyles sufficiently because, if they don't, the future appears bleak. The best evidence to support our less complacent curtailment position comes from the World Energy Outlook report, published annually by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the energy arm of the industrial powers. The 2013 World Energy Outlook report points out that carbon sequestration is far behind schedule; that electric cars will have little appreciable effect in the next decade or two; and that wind and solar, along with other renewables, will provide considerably less than half of our current energy use by 2040. Such reports motivate us to focus on curtailment. We use the term curtailment deliberately rather than efficiency, because curtailment states clearly our need to restrict and reduce our output of greenhouse gases.

The Post Carbon Institute in California uses the term curtailment in its opus book entitled Energy. In the summary section, under the heading "Conservation," on page 259, is this statement:

The current energy economy is toxic not simply because of its dependence on climate-altering fossil fuels, but also because of its massive scale and wastefulness. A first step toward reducing its global impacts is simply using less energy, a goal readily accomplished through conservation practices that are widely available and cost-effective.

Energy conservation consists of two distinct strategies: efficiency and curtailment.  Energy efficiency means using less energy to produce a similar or better service.... Curtailment means exactly what you'd think: cutting out a use of energy altogether. ...Efficiency is typically more attractive to people because it doesn't require them to change behavior. [Emphasis is mine.] 

But what might a future world look like if we chose radical curtailment?
It would be the change from a consumer society to a conserver society. Energy has given our society the opportunity to increase inequity; in a conserver society this would be reversed, and the more equal income distribution of the post-WWII period up to the Reagan era would be restored. Sharing and hospitality would become our cultural hallmarks. Energy frugality would become a widely-held value. Local recreational opportunities would abound. One-child families would become the accepted ideal. As consumption dropped, working hours would decrease. Education and medical care would be free to all. Small family farms would be subsidized and good organic farming practices would be taught. 

But how can we get there? I have taken a look at my current lifestyle. I live simply, grow a great deal of our food, wear clothes as long as they last, keep our thermostat low in the winter, and drive a Toyota Prius. I am not a vegetarian, but I avoid factory-raised meat. Yet, I have realized that, to reduce more deeply, to become a curtailer, I will need to measure and log my energy use, which will take time and require a new level of commitment. Believing other people might be in the same predicament, we are developing a guide for cutting emissions and are focusing our up-coming conference on sharing this knowledge.

Climate Crisis Solutions: Curtailment and Community Conference: Our Community Solutions conference this fall  (November 7-9) will examine how individuals and communities are cutting their CO2 emissions, as well as offer specific ways that this can be done. The conference will include a probing look at national priorities, but it will focus on individual action. In preparing for the conference, we are developing the Curtailer's Emissions Guide (below), which reflects our belief that our work needs to be centered on helping people make changes in their lifestyles.

Curtailer's Emissions Guide: This guide will help people understand their everyday energy use and CO2 emissions. It will enable the user to see which changes in lifestyle will make the biggest difference. It is a deepening of our work, a move from the theory to the practice of adopting a conserver lifestyle. The Curtailer's Emissions Guide will explain how and what to measure in order to be able to make informed decisions about reducing energy use.

Passive House Revolution Film:  Last year, we completed our film about passive house; a construction method that can help us cut our emissions from buildings 80 to 90%. Early reviews have been strong. One reviewer wrote: "Passive House Revolution, what an accomplishment, it left me with a sense of hope." This year has been focused on dissemination and film screenings. German and Spanish translations are underway as are grant proposals that will enable us to further extend the distribution and availability of the film.

Plug-in Folly, a PowerPoint presentation: The promise of the electric car is that we can go on with life as usual. But if you don't live in a state with hydro power, the electric car's greenhouse emissions are no less, and sometimes even more, than those of a hybrid Toyota Prius. With the electric car, as with the promise that LEED buildings would save energy, we have been given half-truths which have led to complacency. These misrepresentations have also created another reason to tap into the electric grid; and that power still comes primarily from coal and fracked gas.  Plug-in Folly explores this issue with candor and insight, showing how one of the huge issues we face today is a misrepresentation of technology. We plan to have this presentation completed in the next two months.

Earth-Island, Energy and Community: We just completed several shorts, with an eye toward fundraising for our next film,  Earth-Island: Energy and Community. This film will bring attention to the facts that the Earth's natural resources have limits, as do those of an island, and that it is time to share them across the globe. We believe that the strategies of the island of Cuba for addressing its resource limits can be a healing example to a frightened world. We will showcase Cuba's paradigms of satisfying lifestyles involving low fossil-fuel consumption and of international relations based on diplomacy and sharing.

Susan began working here on June 2nd; the office is busy as we work to build a strong, cohesive new team among the three of us. Your support of our work means a great deal to us, whether it is small or large, and whether it is in the form of money donated or of time volunteered.

Please consider a gift today to help launch our new projects and our new Executive Director.  Even if you plan to give again in the holiday season, midyear support is much needed and appreciated. 

In Community,
Faith Morgan

Stop, you're killing us (As Salem lusts to spend 100s of Millions on more car infrastructure)

Brooks, Cohen and Krugman | Marion in Savannah
Same in Salem as in elsewhere in America as in the UK -- we shape our environment and then it shapes us. We are busily turning Salem into a place impossible to get around without a 2000+# appendage, burning fossil fuel calories instead of food calories.
The causes are scarcely different from elsewhere in a fattening world: cheap availability of calorie-dense food (burgers, fries, chips, sodas); "food deserts" in poor areas where healthy fare is hard to find and expensive; sedentary lives spent seated in front of the computer or sprawled on the couch with "Game of Thrones" blaring; too much sugar, fat and fructose; broken or weakened families where children forage in the fridge for prepared meals and snack all day rather than gathering for a family meal; speeded-up societies that breed bored, stressed, impulsive and compulsive behavior, including binge eating and constant eating.
As Tony Goldstone, a consultant endocrinologist at London's Hammersmith Hospital put it to me: "In the developed world we don't eat because we are hungry." We eat because everywhere we look there's a superabundance of food and we're hardwired through evolution to keep our body weight up.
The new social divide sees the skinny affluent at their Knightsbridge gym raving about their personal trainer and favorite farmers' market, and the pot-bellied poor guzzling kebabs and fries. The counterintuitive association of poverty and obesity is an indicator of how much the world has changed. Survival is still an instinct but it is no longer an issue. More people today are overweight than malnourished.

Goldstone said he comes away from obesity conferences feeling gloomy. Telling fat people to get thin through dieting is, he suggests, like "telling an asthmatic to breathe more." Cognitive control cedes to the force of instinct. "Who says that the will can overcome biology when biology trained us to get food when scarce?" Goldstone said. "We evolved to prefer foods high in fat and sugar because they contain the calories we need to reproduce."

Our urges are out of sync with our environment. The environment has changed. Urges have not. Our instinct is to eat and rest. We have no instinct to stop eating and be active. We eat to survive and then want to rest because we may need energy to flee some wild beast. Once we've found our lunch, our instinct is to avoid being someone else's.
It may not seem like lying on a couch is part of our survival gene but it is. David Haslam, the chairman of Britain's National Obesity Forum, told me: "It is in our interest to eat and be lazy. Put people in an environment like the current one that promotes eating and laziness and they will oblige." It's their genetic inclination.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Keeping climate catastrophe at bay is affordable

The findings, published in Climate Change Economics, suggest that $1.1 trillion would need to be invested every year, on average, in clean energy between 2010 and 2050 to meet the goal. Already some $300 billion is being spent annually, meaning there is presently a “clean-energy investment gap” of about $800 billion a year.

That’s obviously a ton of money. But about $1 trillion is already being invested on energy projects every year worldwide. And compare the size of the investment gap with the $500 billion or more being doled out every year in the form of government subsidies that help support fossil fuel operations. . . .

To meet the two-degree goal, around 900 gigatons less global carbon dioxide and equivalent pollution would need to be released this century than would have been the case if no action were taken. In this graph from the new paper, gray shading shows pollution levels forecast by different models if there were no clean-energy investment. The red shows projected emissions under the current $200 to $250 billion a year in clean-energy investments, rising to a planned $400 billion. Blue shows how emissions would fall to needed levels if the investment gap closed.fight-climate-change
“Technologically, there’s no reason we can’t rise to the challenge,” McCollum says. “It’s more a question of politics, and that appears to present a major challenge in every country, even in the more progressive countries of the world.”

Double your Power--Matching Grant Fundraiser for Straub Environmental Center

What your donation will provide

1) Help to send children to summer camp, and
2) Support for our all of our environmental educational programs.

Your money donated to either or both of these initiatives will directly impact the lives of children in the Mid-Willamette Valley.  Every dollar you donate to one of these vital and unique programs will be matched 1:1.

Straub Environmental Center creates awareness and understanding of our relationship to the environment, working in partnership with our community. Our environmental education programs teach and motivate people to become active stewards of our environment. To see more about our programs, visit our website at:

Support Environmental Education and your donation will be DOUBLED!

Straub Environmental Center, the Mid-Willamette Valley's premier environmental education center, has been given a

This means that any amount of money we raise from this site, the donor will match it dollar for dollar! For example, If you give $25.00, it will be doubled by $25.00, if you give $100, it will be doubled by $100! Simply put, your donations DOUBLE when you go through this site!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cheese Futures Gathering!

Greetings, Cheezy Friends!

I'm so excited to invite you to our Cheese Futures Gathering on Sunday, July 27th!

12pm to 1pm: Cheese Futures Club Members Exclusive Tasting
We will break into the following cheeses:
  • Raw Cheddar Batch 95 crafted in March of 2012
  • Raw Cheddar Batch 103 crafted in May of 2012
  • Smoked Raw Cheddar Batch 150 crafted in March of 2013
  • The Secret Chive Raw Cheddar
  • The NEW Limited Release Raw Herb Cheddar
1pm to 3:30pm: Everyone can join us for more tasting and fun!

Old World Deli
341 SW 2nd St, Corvallis

To find out how to join the Cheese Futures Club, e-mail

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Buddhist Economics: How to Stop Prioritizing Goods Over People and Consumption Over Creative Activity

Taking the train to Seattle for some business (hers) and relaxation (mine), it occurred to me that one of the tests we could use for social health is how many young people per thousand are so disconnected from meaningful relationships and empowering work that they are reduced to seeking status and demanding recognition with a can of spray paint.

Buddhist Economics: How to Stop Prioritizing Goods Over People and Consumption Over Creative Activity

Find out who owns your "representative"

16 yo kid has just changed the game
Until we make them wear logos like in NASCAR, this will do. . . . 

16 yo kid has just changed the game

A 16 y.o. kid has created a plug-in for browsers that, when you hover over the name of a member of congress mentioned on any webpage, popups to give you a list of donations made to that congressperson from lobbyists, corporations, etc.  Right now it has numbers for 2012 but he's working on getting it to 2014.   Yeah, it's a drop in the bucket compared to all of pac money and other shenanigans but if we could just get this kind of transparency started it could have a huge impact on our politics, and one that would be good for all.  Too cool.

Oh yeah.  The kid's motto?  "Some are red, some are blue, ALL are green"!  I love this kid!


Get the plug-in:

Doh: Colorado teen pregnancies plummet thanks to contraceptives

Undernews: Colorado teen pregnancies plummet thanks to contraceptives

Colorado teen pregnancies plummet thanks to contraceptives

Daily Kos - Colorado's teen birth rate dropped 40 percent in five years—years during which a donor-funded initiative provided 30,000 free or low-cost contraceptive devices to low-income women:

The decline in births among girls 15 to 19 years old served by the program accounted for three-quarters of the overall decline in the Colorado teen birth rate, the state said in a news release.

That rate has fallen from 37 births per 1,000 girls in 2009 to 22 in 2013, officials said.

The teen abortion rate dropped 35 percent from 2009 to 2012 in those counties where the initiative is in place, Hickenlooper said.

Colorado is saving money thanks to the drop in teen pregnancy: Medicaid costs are lowered by $5.68 for every dollar spent on the contraception program. Because pregnancy, childbirth, and pediatric care are more expensive than IUDs.